Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1)

Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1) by Glenna Mayanrd Page B

Book: Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1) by Glenna Mayanrd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenna Mayanrd
give her a bit longer before I call her then. She took my jeep.”
    “Yeah she said her car needs a new battery.”
    “A good boyfriend would get that taken care of you know.” I wink at him.
    “Language sis, don’t say the b word.”
    My brother and his phobia of commitment is quite entertaining.
    An hour has gone by without word from Tiffany. She isn’t picking up any of mine or Kline’s calls or text. My brother is about ready to go looking for her when Charlie and my mom comes knocking on the door.
    Kline lets the two of them in. It is very odd for them to show up unannounced. “Oh thank God you are okay.” My mom grabs me in an embrace and squeezes me for dear life.
    “Of course I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be?” I look over at my brother and he is wearing the same confused look as I am.
    “Where’s your jeep?” Charlie asks in a cold tone.
    “Tiffany has it. Why, what’s wrong?”
    I look to my mom and she gives the impression of being on the verge of tears. “Charlie you better tell her what’s going on.”
    “Look Kline, Brandi, I got a call about twenty minutes ago that said you had been taken for insurance that I’d pay what I owe to the Garretti brother’s. They must have taken Tiffany instead.” He doesn’t seem to be fazed by his words in the least bit. Would he be this calm if it were me paying the price for his short comings?
    Kline looks like he is seeing red and Charlie is his target. My brother might not be ready for marriage and babies, but that doesn’t mean he don’t have feelings for Tiffany.  She’s my best friend, more like a sister. “So what do we need to do to get her back, Charlie?” Kline spits at him. His chest is heaving with fury.
    “Best case scenario is we set up a meeting and buy some time.  You win or lose your fight this weekend depending on the take and we pay what we owe. Then they give her back, no harm no foul. Worst case they rough her up a bit for an example.”
    “Not good enough Charlie. That could be Brandi you are talking about. Would you be so unruffled if it were her? Do you even care? Tiffany has a family; they are going to notice she’s missing.”
    “Look they don’t know they’ve got the wrong girl yet. That’s the only thing we got working in our favor right now. I know a guy… he might know where they are holding her. If we are smart about it, we might be able to steal her back. Give me an hour then meet me at the office.” By the office he really means a storage unit on the back side of town.
    For the first time ever I do believe Charlie actually made sense. How did that happen? Kline seems to be pleased with Charlie’s plan for now. My mother on the other hand is a weeping mess. As for me, I think I am in shock that I could have been taken against my will. I feel guilty because I am sad that Tiffany was taken, but at the same time I’m still glad that they didn’t get me. I am a horrible person and I’m going to hell.
    Kline left over three hours ago to meet up with Charlie. I am freaking the hell out. I’ve called my mom over thirty times and she knows less than I do about what’s going on. If Charlie gets Kline killed or if those goons hurt Tiffany, I’m going to kill the fat bastard.  How do they expect me to just sit here while my best friend has been taken as insurance? I still think there is something to this whole mess that they aren’t telling me. I’m all dressed up with nowhere to go…story of my life.
    My phone rings but it’s not the call I am hoping for. “Hey Royce, how’s work going?”
    “Went good. I ran into a few snags, but nothing I couldn’t handle. I’m off now. I’m pulling up to your place, since you didn’t stay put like I asked.”
    I hesitate before answering him. Should I tell him about Tiffany? I know Royce will keep his mouth shut, and I need someone to keep me company before I go insane with worry. 
    Before I can say more, Royce is knocking on my door. Eagerly I greet him with a

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