Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals
“All the tigers for next
year’s circus are already sold” He added. We moved through the
crowd, courtesy of a phalanx of State Guards and took our prime box
seats, just above and in front of a huge metal caged stage. I
started to feel distinctly uncomfortable. I could ‘hear’ male and
female voices. Though I couldn’t discern their exact words, I could
feel their feelings, of fear, emotional pain, even abject
    The audience
lights dimmed, two mobile cages, each containing a two metre tall,
pure white bear, were rolled to either side of the centre cage. As
my ears heard the MC dramatically announcing the “Mortal combat of
these two mountain monsters….” In my head, I heard something
entirely different
    “Well dear, this
was inevitable, you must do what must be” An older, weary voice
    “Oh Father” A
distressed young female asked “How can these animals go on with
    “They know no
better child” The older replied, adding “I’ve had my time…” Bang!
The doors slammed open and the two Alpine giants slowly climbed out
of the cages and began to circle each other. To my ears, they were
growling menacingly at each other. But in my head, I heard “Oh
Father! I cannot do this awful thing”.
    “Do as you have
done so often before, fight or I shall have to kill you” The older
voice in my head ordered. One of the bears reared up and rushed
towards the other snarling, then it too reared up. The blood
lusting crowd began to shout excitedly.
    “Stop! Both of
you” I thought as hard as I could. The two bears, now actually
touching each other, stopped, frozen in their tracks.
    “I am Lord Robert
and I command you to sit back to back and wave at the audience” I
telepathed. And that’s exactly what they did. At first, the crowd
was stunned silent, then, they began to boo and yell, like wild
animals deprived of their cravings, which is pretty much what they
    The bears’
trainers came in through each side’s door, whip in one hand, pistol
in the other. There was little doubt as to their intent.
    “Stand and raise
your front paws” I ordered telepathically. As the two bears
complied, I willed both the whips and guns out of the astonished
trainers’ hands and onto the floor at both bears’ feet.
    “Are these two
good men? You know, food, water, affection?” I telepathically
    “Lord Robert, to
die in front of one such as you is a great honour” Came the large
male’s automatically conditioned response. But the daughter was not
brain washed
    “No Sire, these
are not good men” She replied telepathically “They starve us, beat
us and torture us” She told me.
    “Is that to make
you meaner?” I asked silently.
    “Yes, that’s what
they say” She responded. “But what could be meaner than to make a
strong young female, like me, fight and kill my own old and tired
Father?” The crowd and my hosts had all remained shocked and
    “Do these two men
know that you’re Father and Daughter?” My anger began to burn.
    “Yes Lord Robert”
The male replied sadly “But they don’t care”.
    “Go back to your
cages” I ordered and they did. The two men made a dash for their
whips and guns, but I willed the guns to slide away out of reach
and the two whips to whip away! And that is just exactly what they
did! The astonished audience watched, as the two unbelievably cruel
men got thoroughly thrashed by their own whips.
    The audience
quickly forgot the mystical nature of the event and urged the whips
on with bloodthirsty yells! I felt Zoran’s eyes on me, so I smiled
back into his eyes nodding. He leaned forward and spoke to the
Governor who snapped his head around to look at me.
    “Those two bears
are very unsuitably matched Governor Lucas” I told him quietly. The
Governor looked up at me concerned
    “Lord Robert, much
money is gambled on this fight, it must be fair” He insisted,
clearly serious. So I told him the truth. He stood up and walked

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