Doomsday Brethren, Book 04: Entice Me at Twilight

Doomsday Brethren, Book 04: Entice Me at Twilight by Shayla Black Page A

Book: Doomsday Brethren, Book 04: Entice Me at Twilight by Shayla Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shayla Black
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy, Contemporary
    Happy New Year

    She rubbed her eyes, trying not to smear the professionally applied makeup she’d paid for hours earlier, then plucked at her veil until it came free. Draping it across the dashboard, Felicia sighed. She could feel every seam in the heavy, form-fitting wedding gown. Her hopes of a happy family and future lay in shambles. And damn it, she had to use the loo.
    Exhaustion beat at her. Nerves had kept her awake most of last night, and she felt every minute of that sleeplessness in the warm car that jetted through the dark night to “safety.” Wherever that was.
    Shocking how gentle Hurstgrove’s tone could be. How warm. But then, she supposed it came in handy, seducing as many women as he did.
    Across the small sports car’s leather interior, his dark stare scorched her. He touched her shoulder. Desire darkened his eyes, tightened his face.
    Against her will and better judgment, Felicia’s heart stuttered. Her body heated. She edged away. He dropped his hand with a sigh.
    Aside from their one meeting prior to the wedding, Hurstgrove was a complete stranger. Still, he hadn’t lied about her safety. Though he had abducted her, she knew he would never harm her.
    Seduce her? That, she suspected, he would try. But would he really abduct her merely to do so, as Mason had accused?
    Felicia frowned. That didn’t add up. Hurstgrove couldn’t want her
badly. He didn’t know her. At most, he saw a pretty shell, but he bedded actresses and models, women clearly far more beautiful than she was. Though her adoptive parents had praised her looks too often for Felicia to think ill of herself, and male students at uni had frequently asked her out, she didn’t believe she was pretty enough to motivate a duke to risk scandal and alienate his family. And was he so lacking in bed partners that he’d have to stoop to this length to get one? No.
    Nor did she think he’d done it merely to annoy Mason. Their rivalry was obvious, but her built-in lie detector told her that Hurstgrove had not gambled his familial connections for a fleeting affair.
    It would be so easy to be angry, to wonder why Hurstgrove had done this
her. But he’d abducted her from her wedding
her, and at great expense to himself.
    He might not be the most honorable man ever. He objectified women and didn’t seem to care much about resolving Mason’s animosity. But he had risked much to help her, attempteddiplomacy, then took quick action when talking no longer worked. He wasn’t afraid to do what needed to be done. In a weird way, Felicia admired him for it. Beyond the fact he wasn’t human—what sort of “other” he was, she had no idea—there was more to Hurstgrove than she’d previously imagined.
    What would he be like in bed?
    The question came from nowhere, unbidden, unwanted. A thousand sensual images pelted her at once: his hand fisting in her hair, the other gripping her hip; his lips on hers; hard muscles sliding over her skin, covering every inch of her body; his shoulders bunching under her nails as he slid deep inside her … and she lifted her hips in welcome, arching her back and hissing with pleasure.
    Felicia lifted shaking hands to her hot cheeks.
Oh goodness
. She was breathing too fast. How could that one little fantasy—the one that would never actually become reality—affect her so quickly?
    He was her fiancé’s half brother, her abductor. He wasn’t even human, yet … she couldn’t
be aware of him. Every time he drew near, her body lit up like a Christmas tree. Of course she was grateful that he’d saved her from Mathias tonight. But it wasn’t gratitude making her breasts ache or her knickers turn moist. Why? She should hate everything about his rich, womanizing ways. But she couldn’t hate him.
    Did that non-human part of him draw her in? Did aliens possess such powers? Or maybe he was something else from myth or lore? Did such beings truly exist? It seemed

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