Dr. Who - BBC New Series 28

Dr. Who - BBC New Series 28 by Beautiful Chaos # Gary Russell Page A

Book: Dr. Who - BBC New Series 28 by Beautiful Chaos # Gary Russell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beautiful Chaos # Gary Russell
    The huge wooden door swung open as they reached the top step and a smartly dressed gentleman, mid-thirties, olive skin, dark hair and eyes that twinkled, waved them in.
    ‘Good evening, Mister Mott,’ he said in a slight
    European accent. ‘Miss Noble. Doctor Smith. I am Gianni, Head of Hospitality.’
    Donna pulled a ‘blimey’ face. ‘He was well rehearsed.’
    ‘Guest of honour,’ Wilf said. ‘I had to tell them who I was bringing.’
    Gianni walked them into a small area where a couple of people aged somewhere between sixty and two hundred and eleventy were leaning on a bar. Or possibly the bar was holding them up. Either way, they looked like they were part of the furniture.
    Donna wrinkled her nose at the strong smell of Scotch and looked behind them, where another door led to a vast dining area, and a hubbub of noise.
    ‘Do go through,’ the Head of Hospitality said, so Donna led the way.
    As the trio entered the dining room, the hubbub stopped and was replaced by a round of applause led, Donna was pleased to see, by Henrietta Goodhart, resplendent in another bizarre but unusually tonally dour hat.
    She walked towards them, arms outstretched, kissed Donna, then the Doctor and finally Wilf, each of them on both cheeks, Continental style. Then she planted a quick one on Wilf’s lips and winked. ‘I’m fine tonight,’ she said to his unasked question.
    A man in his late fifties walked over, and shook Wilf’s hand. ‘Crossland. Cedric Crossland. Doctor Cedric Crossland. Doctor Cedric Crossland CBE. But you must call me Rick, Mr Mott.’
    ‘Oh, just Wilf’ll be fine,’ Wilf said, throwing a look
    appealing for help or rescue to Donna, the Doctor and Netty.
    Donna started forward but Netty held her back. ‘No, no, let him go. It’s his night and he has to take the rough with the smooth, bless his cotton socks. Besides, the chocolate pudding’ll make it all worthwhile.’ They watched as Wilf got caught up in the celebrations. ‘He looks so happy,’ she said.
    ‘I understand you have a big part to play in that,’ the Doctor said, adding ‘Not that I pretend to understand things like that.’
    Netty grinned at him. ‘Course you don’t, Doctor. Being from outer space.’
    The Doctor stared at her, then smiled. ‘Actually, I’m from Nottingham—’
    ‘He’s from Walthamstow,’ Donna said at the same time.
    ‘Born in Nottingham,’ said the Doctor.
    ‘But brought up in Walthamstow,’ added Donna, a bit sheepishly.
    ‘Wilf told me everything, Doctor. About you. About the ATMOS stuff. About where Donna is when she’s with you. No secrets, you see.’
    The Doctor blew air out of his cheeks. ‘Well, I’m not sure what Wilf has told you but, I’m… um… well…’
    Netty touched his hand. ‘It’s all right. Most days I can barely remember who I am, let alone what planet you and Donna are sending postcards from. Your secret is safe with me.’
    ‘I think I’ll kill him this time,’ Donna said, looking towards her grandfather who was being poured an
    extraordinarily large brandy by a group of old men and women.
    Netty shook her head. ‘He’s so proud of you both, please don’t be cross with him. Besides, it gives me a chance to talk to you both about the Chaos Body. You know, while I still can.’
    Donna frowned.
    ‘I’m sorry, Donna,’ Netty said. ‘Does me talking about my condition embarrass you? There’s no need, there’s nothing I have to hide from anyone. Least of all myself.’
    ‘It’s not that,’ Donna said. ‘It’s just… well, a bit sad.’
    ‘It is. Very sad, believe me. But I have got used to living with it and I make the most of the lucid days because the ones that aren’t are getting more and more frequent.’
    ‘How frequent?’
    ‘Doctor! She’s not going to tell the world about us.’
    But he shushed her. ‘How frequent, Henrietta?’
    ‘If I can get through to Friday remembering what I did on Tuesday, that’s a victory.’
    Gianni was

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