a big deal out of it? I’ll go to my house
and just do it. I did it before.”
    “You never lived among werewolves before,”
Jack said sternly.
    “Before the change, your body sends signs and
signals you’re ready to mate. Humans and wizards don’t react to
them, but here…”
    “Translated to lupus lingua , I’m in
heat, and every available man will try to have a roll in the hay
with me. Is that what you’re telling me? Okay, Jack Canagan, what
if I got sex-crazy and did it with someone else? What would you do
    He rubbed his chin. “I’d kill the
sonofabitch, of course. I’d be miserable for a while, but that
wouldn’t change what I feel for you. I’d still love you and I’d
still want you. Although, Miss Spock, I’d prefer if it didn’t
    “I’m also a wizard, Jack Canagan. Cool and
rational, remember? I can control my wild side.”
    “But can she ? Your wolf, I mean. She’s
damn hot and not shy to show it.”
    “And I’m not?”
    He let out a frustrated sigh. “Come on,
Astrid, you know what I meant. Of course you are, but you have
control over your instincts.”
    “And she doesn’t?”
    “Why do I have the feeling that whatever I
say will be used against me?”
    “Give her some credit, Jack. She loves you as
much as I do. Despite the ‘in heat’ thing, do you really think
she’d let anybody else touch her?”
    “It’s not incomprehensible, Astrid. Don’t
underestimate your carnal instincts,” he said miserably.
    Okay, he needed some serious reassurance;
otherwise he wouldn’t be able to function normally. And I believed
I knew the right person for the job.
    I stood up, pulled on my underwear and my
shirt, and walked to the window, staring for a moment into my
reflection. I’d never summoned my wolf before. She’d always shown
up of her own accord.
    I closed my eyes and asked her to come. She
was there in the blink of an eye. Jack needs his peace of
mind , I told her silently. Tell him there’s nothing to worry
about. He doesn’t trust me as your representative.
    When I opened my eyelids again, an amber set
of smiling eyes looked back at me from the windowpane.
    Unaware of her presence—he could only see my
back, as I was staring through the window into the night
outside—Jack walked to me and wrapped his arms around my waist from
behind. He lowered his head and rested his chin on my shoulder.
    “You didn’t get permission to get dressed,”
he whispered. “Take your clothes off, I haven’t finished with
    “Jack, I don’t want you to drive yourself
crazy imagining what’s going to happen with me while you are away.
We both love you. And we both want only you,” I said in a husky
voice. I turned slowly to face him, looking up at him.
    He instantly realized what had happened.
    He smiled, amused. “Well, hello, darling!
Long time no see. How did you do that?” he asked, looking into my
    “I thought you needed some help. But I have
to tell you that you’ve hurt Miss Spock’s feelings. And you’ve hurt
me, too.”
    He pulled me close, gently as if I was
labeled ‘handle with care.’
    “Astrid, I’m sorry.”
    “I understand you’re nervous. But there is no
need to be. I’ll keep myself safe during the change.” I kissed his
mouth. “You’ll be the one to screw me, I promise. Go and do
whatever you need to do and come back safely, so that next month we
can work on connecting my spirits. I’m tired of thinking of myself
in the plural. Feeling better now?”
    “You are incredible.” Jack’s mouth closed
around mine in a soft, loving kiss. “I love you so much,
    “I love you, too. We both do.”
    I blinked and let the wolf go. When I lifted
my eyes again, I knew they were blue.
    “Do you know what just happened?” Jack asked,
holding me tight.
    “I let you talk to your kinky
    “Do you remember what we talked about?”
    I smiled. “I do, and I knew I would. She
cooperates because I

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