Eternity (Circle of Light)

Eternity (Circle of Light) by April Margeson Page B

Book: Eternity (Circle of Light) by April Margeson Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Margeson
know Eric is coming back in a bit, but I forgot that your mom and I had tickets to see a movie tonight.” 
    “That’s ok Dad.” I had to force myself to hide my reaction about them leaving. They never get to spend that much time together. 
    “We'll probably just hang out and watch television or something.” I told him.
    “Ok, I guess we better get going .” he told Mom.
    Dad got the car keys off the counter and tossed Mom her purse. “We might be late.  Don’t wait up.  You have school in the morning.” Mom said eyeing me as they walked out the door.  I had hoped that I could spend some time with them tonight, but I understand that they needed some time together. 
    I scanned the kitchen for something to do to pass the time until Eric came back.  There was nothing left to do since we had already cleaned up before he left. 
    The living room was in order as well.  I thought I might have some laundry in my room that needed done.  When I checked the hamper it was empty.  I guess Mom had already done the laundry.  I couldn’t imagine Dad doing my laundry.  He had been embarrassed by my laundry ever since I started wearing a training bra.  I laughed out loud at the thought of his face when Mom told him it was time to buy me one.  I thought he was for sure going to pass out.
    I could see Eric in his room.  He looked like he was cleaning.  I could see him going from his closet to his bed.  I think he was hanging up clothes or something like that.  I grabbed my phone to send him a text message.  I couldn’t make up my mind what to say.
    I see you.
    Are you watching me? 
    Yeah.  I’m having so much fun watching you put away your laundry.
    Don’t act like it’s not cute, He replied as I watched him leave his room.  Ha! You can’t see me now! I got the text as he closed the door behind him.
    I told him that my parents had forgotten that they had movie tickets. 
    So they aren’t home?
    Nope.  They left about ten minutes ago.  I'll be in my room when you come back.  Just come on in and lock the door behind you, I sent as I closed my phone.
    I wasn’t in the mood to watch movies.  I wanted to do something fun with Eric, but I wasn’t sure what it would be.  I was surely not going to just sit here the rest if the night with nothing to do.  I was restless.
    The light in Eric’s bedroom went off.  My phone vibrated . I’m on my way over, the message read.  It had sure taken him long enough.  A short moment later I heard the front door open and the deadbolt lock.  He bounded up the stairs and into my room. 
    “Miss me much, did you ?”
    “Terribly.”  I replied.
    “So, you don’t want to watch movies?”
    “Not really.  I’m bored and I want to do something fun.”
    “And just exactly what do you have in mind?” he asked with a sly look on his face. 
    “I don’t have a clue.”  I said as he walked around looking at my room. 
    He looked at the books in the bookcase.  He ran his fingers across the bindings as if he were searching for a certain book, but he never picked out one.
    “What time is it?” he asked. 
    “Its seven thirty.” I replied. 
    He sat down beside me on my bed.  My heart began to race the same way it does every time he gets close to me.  
    “I probably shouldn’t stay very late.  I would hate to be late for school in the morning.” 
    “Yeah and if you’re late, I’m late.”  I said. 
    He let out a big yawn.  I could tell he was more tired than he let on. 
    “You look tired Eric.  Why don’t you just go on back home and get some rest.” 
    “I probably should.” he replied sleepily as he stretched his arms out beside him. He plopped back on my bed, staring at the comforter.  He looked like he was deep in thought.  I touched the side of his head, running my fingers down his jaw line.  He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.  I could feel his body relaxing.
    “I could get used to this .” he said almost in a

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