Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2

Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2 by Dakota Lake Page A

Book: Fading Into Darkness: The Under Series Book 2 by Dakota Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dakota Lake
gardens. Emmett stood by a tree
eating a sandwich trying to push one of the dogs away. He didn't like Cam's dogs. There was a
knock on the door and Kenzie leaned against the door frame.
“Hey!” I said turning to look at him. He strolled across the room and sat opposite me pulling his
legs up onto the window ledge.
“What is he doing?” Kenzie asked laughing at Emmett, who was now trying to push three of the
dogs away without much success. “Here, I got this for you while I was out this morning.” He
handed me a bracelet with small wooden beads that had tiny black animals painted onto them, it
looked very unique.
“Wow, where'd you get it?”
“Just...err....from the market.” he said fiddling with his watch strap, he wore a different watch nearly
“Thanks, it's really nice and thanks for the book.”
He looked over at me and spun his cap round to the front repositioning it.
“Any reason you were looking at that book?” he asked.
“I've been having these weird dreams,” he looked at me waiting for me to go on. I looked over at
the open door making sure Grayson wasn't there. “Do you think dreams mean anything?”
“Depends on the dream. Are we talking about your average dream here? You know eating dinner,
running from a monster, a walk on the beach, falling from up high or is it something a little darker?”
I wasn't sure how to explain what had happened. “Not dark,” I let out a breath. “It was more
realistic than your average dream.”
“Okay wait a minute are you talking about getting hot and heavy with some stranger. A naked and
horizontal type of dream?”
“No,” I laughed playfully smacking his knee. “I mean I think the dream followed me back home.”
Kenzie dropped his legs down and scooted closer.
“I've been having these dreams. Always the same person, always the same place. In the last dream I
borrowed his T-shirt and then when I woke up I was still wearing it, I mean that's crazy right?”
I looked at Kenzie waiting for him to burst out laughing and tell me I was crazy but instead he
stayed quiet fiddling with a hole in his jeans.
“This person in your dream, are they from here?” he asked.
I wasn't sure what he meant by from here, I assumed he was talking about the manor.
“No I've never seen him here....Kenzie are dreams real?”
“Depends on the dream and it depends on the person. Dreams are different for everyone and
depending on how your mind works some are stronger than others,” his eyes flickered towards me
then back out the window. “Maybe you connected with someone else while you were asleep.”
“You're saying I found my way into someone else's dream or he found his way into mine?” I said
trying to figure it out. “How is that even possible?”
“Things aren't always black and white down here Cups.” The way he said ' down here' didn't sit
well, he used the term down here a lot. I wasn't sure what he meant by it anymore.
“I think Cam is hiding things from me.” I said quietly.
“I think you're a smart girl and you'll figure it out. Just make sure you put that book back when he's
not around.”
A loud cough in the corridor interrupted us. Grayson walked in with a tray of tea, biscuits and
cakes. He set the tray on the table and pointed at my chair.
“Mr. Sanchez I don't appreciate you interrupting my lessons.” Grayson said sitting down.
“Sorry Gray.” Kenzie walked passed and stuck his tongue out at me, ruffling my hair as he went. I
retaliated and stuck out mine. I looked back at Grayson, who was shaking his head.
“A young lady does not stick her tongue out in childish behaviour.”
“Well whoever told you I was a lady misinformed you terribly,” I joked pulling the plate of biscuits
towards my side of the table. “Grayson, what's my surname?”
He stopped dead still and his tea cup hovered just below his bottom lip, he looked at me and put his
cup back down.
“You can't remember your surname?” he asked.
“No, I don't

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