Fall for You

Fall for You by Susan Behon Page B

Book: Fall for You by Susan Behon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Behon
    Walking into the office, Ben looked from one brother to the other. “What happened?”

    Reed knew he looked miserable. “Mom made cookies again.”
    Ben smirked in amusement.
    Eying Ben's reaction, Keith said, “Did I mention that I told Mom you had a sweet tooth too?”
    Ben opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, then made an about-face and walked right out of the room.
    Keith looked to Reed for an explanation. “What was that?”
    It was Reed's turn to smile. “That's Ben's wayof calling you a dick.”
    Standing up, Keith gave Reed a brotherly slug to the shoulder. Reed wouldn't react or admit to it, but damn, that shit hurt! He fisted his hand and returned the favor. It was like hitting a brick wall. Next time, he'd just throw his mom's cookies at him. He bet they'd leave bruises. At least now Reed knew what to do with them.
    “ Don't you have work to do?”
    Keith frownedat the reminder. “Unfortunately, yes. I have to get to the site and manage things. Thanks for that.” The sarcasm dripped off each word. Reed sat behind his desk and almost put his feet up just to irritate him. Instead he said, “You're welcome, little brother. Anytime.”
    His brother stomped out and flipped him the bird. Only a guy like Reed would take that as a sign of affection. Coming from Keith,it probably was.
    * * * *
    Sophie was putting a tray of root beer float cookies in the glass case when hell froze over. Dot Sutton walked through the door and read the sign:
    Welcome. Please excuse our dust but building our wall is a must!
    She didn't look awed by Tracy's poetry. Dot checked out the room as if actually looking for dust. Finding only the wooden frame that would soon be a wall,she glanced up at Sophie.
    Sophie straightened and braced herself. Her heart was ready to thump out of her chest, but she put on a serene expression and smiled. “Hello. Welcome to The Cookie Jar. May I help you?”
    Dot looked down in the glass case at the array of cookies but seemed wholly unimpressed with the selection. She looked at Sophie and said, “Hello. I'm Dot Sutton. I'm chairwoman of theMadison Falls Ladies' Improvement Committee. Maybe you know my sons, Reed and Keith?”
    Dot actually held her hand out in greeting like she had no idea who Sophie was. Okay, then. If that's the way you want to play it. Sophie reached over the counter and shook her hand.
    “ I'm Sophie Brandon. Pleased to meet you.” Again. Oh, and by the way, your son is a fabulous kisser. She wanted to say that,but instead went with, “Yes, of course I know them. As a matter of fact, Reed is building our wall.” As if you didn't already know.
    Reed's mom turned to scan the wooden frame of the wall. “My son is very talented with his hands.” Amen to that, lady. “So, is that how you two are acquainted?”
    Dot appeared innocently inquiring, but Sophie knew better. The woman was on a fact-finding mission. Shewouldn't give anything away. If Reed wanted to tell his mom what was going on, then so be it.
    “ Yes, he and Ben Carrington are doing a wonderful job so far.” Sophie kept the smile firmly planted on her face. Dot peered into her eyes, waiting for Sophie to confess all, no doubt. Not gonna happen, sister.
    She looked half stymied/half relieved that Sophie didn't say anything more about it. She reachedinto her purse for her wallet. “My purpose for being here is to place an order for cookies.”
    Sophie was stunned. “Excuse me?”
    Dot continued, all business. “Yes. I'd like to order fifteen dozen cookies for our next MFLIC meeting. All of the members will be in attendance so I'll need a variety.”
    Sophie was in a state of shock but went through the motions of retrieving an order form and a pen.She gave a list of all the available cookie flavors to Dot and told her to make her choices.
    She stared down at the menu and frowned. “Are these all you have?”
    “ No, this is the standard selection of what's usually available. I also have

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