Fallen Elements
food, I’m heading over to
see what they’re offering today.”
    Leah placed a slice of blueberry pie in the
small, clear plastic container on her tray. “I’m going to go see
what they’ve got in the way of Asian cuisine.” The blonde glanced
toward the escalators behind them. “Meet you upstairs?”
    Ryan nodded and then made her way towards the
long buffet case lined with every imaginable curry, rice, and
variation on eggplant she could want. In the end, she decided on
gobhi aloo, a blend of cauliflower with potatoes sautéed with garam
masala, and chapathi bread.
    Ryan clutched her Indian food, bottled water,
and yellow cake with chocolate icing laden tray tightly as she rode
the escalator to the second floor dining area. She refused to
repeat her clumsiness from earlier.
    Scanning the dining area, Ryan quickly
spotted Leah, who sat at a table near the railing that lined the
far side of the space, allowing the diner to overlook the larger
grocery store below.
    “Is this okay?” Leah took a drink of what
looked like lemonade through her straw as she looked up at
    “It’s good.” Ryan carefully slid her tray
onto the table and took a seat across from Leah.
    Ryan carefully removed all of her food and
water from the tray. She opened up her food container, and
unwrapped the chapathi bread from its aluminum foil. Then she
twisted the cap off the bottled water, and opened the utensil pack
she had picked up near the registers downstairs. Sensing she was
being watched, Ryan looked up at an amused Leah.
    “What?” Ryan scanned her assortment. “Is
something wrong?”
    Leah put her drink down, the corner of her
mouth turned slightly up. “Not at all. You’re very particular.”
    Ryan squelched the feeling of awkwardness
that washed over her. “Not really. You’ve seen the damage I can do
with tea. Imagine if an entire lunch got away from me.”
    Leah laughed out loud, and the joyful sound
brought a broad grin to Ryan’s face. The blonde opened her own
container to reveal a sizable portion of sesame chicken, steamed
white rice, and an egg roll. “Don’t judge me if I start with the
blueberry pie.”
    “Wouldn’t dream of it.” The two women began
eating in a comfortable silence. Ryan kept reminding herself not to
stare at Leah. She’s taking a drink from a straw. Since when do
I think that’s sexy?
    “Do you think you have a good chance at the
liaison position?” Leah took a bite of an egg roll.
    Ryan nodded. “I do. I’m qualified on paper,
but more importantly, with my internships over the past three
years, I have the work experience they are looking for too.”
    “Why social policy?” Leah dipped the last of
her egg roll into the sweet and spicy sesame sauce that covered her
    Ryan hesitated. An honest answer would
require talking about her family, and she had hoped to avoid that
on her first outing with Leah. At the same time, Ryan didn’t want
to start her friendship with the blonde on a false note.
    “You know my family.” Ryan watched Leah
carefully to see if the topic was going to make her uncomfortable.
The blonde simply took a bite of the sesame chicken and nodded.
    Taking a deep breath, Ryan felt she could
push forward. “The women in the family have always worked closely
with non-profits and various philanthropic causes throughout the
city.” Taking a drink of her water, Ryan struggled to find the
words for what she wanted to say. “I - it wasn’t until I got older
that I realized it never was about the causes as much as the
socialization and the appearance of doing something. And it
was rarely about people.”
    Leah’s brow furrowed. “What was it
    Ryan tore a piece of bread off, and before
putting it in her mouth continued. “Gardens, parks, symphonies.
That sort of thing.”
    Leah smiled. “Those sorts of things can help
    Ryan nodded, chewing on her bread. “Yes, but
if you can’t afford to pay your electricity bill, or replace a

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