Falling for Sarah

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Book: Falling for Sarah by Cate Beauman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cate Beauman
against his, and her apology for their mistake . Hurt bubbled to the surface, colliding with frustrated anger, and he’d become determined to show himself that he didn’t need Sarah, that it didn’t matter.
    He’d shoved his chair back from their small table overlooking the city, interrupting Nicolette midsentence. He’d scooped her up and kissed her the way he wished he were kissing Sarah. As he tried harder to push thoughts of Sarah from his mind, he fell to the bed with Nicky. He yanked her shirt over her head, buried his face against her neck and remembered the way Sarah’s eyes had stared into his the moment before he’d changed everything. He pulled away from Nicolette, stood, told her it was over. She’d given him a slap for his trouble, which still stung.
    Running his tongue around the inside of his cheek, Ethan started his vehicle. There was no use being here tonight. He shifted into reverse, glanced at the house as he eased out of the drive. The flower lying in the shadows caught his eye and he stopped, shifted the Rover back into first, parked again.
    Brows furrowed as he stepped from the vehicle. Ethan scanned the yard as he walked to the entryway and stood in the dim light. He stared at the blue rose resting against the door. He looked around, searching for a note, but couldn’t find one. Odd .
    He leaned forward to pick up the rose but stopped mid-reach. Although it was just a flower, he didn’t like it. He crouched down, examining. The petals appeared fresh. Who brought a flower to a woman’s home after dark? No, he definitely didn’t like it—unless someone made a mistake and left it at the wrong door.
    Ethan walked to the Rover, grabbed a napkin from a fast food bag. He went back to Sarah’s door, picked the rose up by the stem. He scrutinized the bud, turning it from side to side. The thorns had been removed, leaving the shoot smooth. It would’ve taken time to do that. If someone put in the effort to dethorn a rose, they would want the flower seen by the right person. Even if they’d gone to a florist, they still wouldn’t want to waste a flower at the wrong address. This had been deliberately placed here.
    With nowhere to put the flower, he dumped the rest of the contents from the fast food bag on the seat and set the stem inside.
    On alert, Ethan took his gun from the lockbox under his seat and walked the perimeter of Sarah’s house. Everything looked the way it should. He got in his vehicle, put the pistol away, stared at the spot where the rose had been before he drove off.
    When he made it to the stop sign at the end of Sarah’s quiet street, several emergency vehicles flew past. What the hell is going on around here? He turned right, away from the chaos, toward home.

Chapter 7

    S ARAH HELD BABY RYAN IN her arms after the photo shoot. “He’s perfect, Tatiana, just perfect.” She moved her cheek over his soft newborn forehead and smiled.
    “I know. I’m in love.”
    Sarah sat next to the redheaded beauty on the deep green couch they’d used for the photos. “Treasure this time; it goes so fast.”
    Tatiana smiled, playing with the pleats in her flowing white night dress. “You can count on it. After the premiere next week, Kevin and I plan to bring Ryan back here for the next several months. I’m finished with movies until next fall.”
    “America will be waiting for you, whenever you decide you’re ready to return.” She handed Ryan to Tatiana, recognizing the eager look in the new mother’s eyes.
    Ryan began to fuss and root. Tatiana settled him at her breast. “You’re planning on coming next week, right? I would love to have you there. I’ve put you on the security clearance list for the after-event.”
    “Sounds fun.” It sounded like a nightmare. Premieres were always such a hassle. The screaming fans alone overwhelmed, even if they weren’t screaming for her. The press and security were so tight. It suffocated.
    The majority of her clients were Hollywood

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