Falling Through Glass

Falling Through Glass by Barbara Sheridan Page B

Book: Falling Through Glass by Barbara Sheridan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Sheridan
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
don’t think I’ll be here long.”
    Shinjuku-san smiled another one of those enigmatic smiles.
    “For however long you are here, it will be a good thing for him.” She gave Emmi a gentle prod toward the door. “Come. I’ll show you where things are. Then we will sit in the garden and watch the children play.”

Chapter Eleven
    Kae was on his way back to Nijo Castle when a familiar young servant girl ran up to him.
    “Aneko-han…wishes to…see…you at once,” she said between gasping breaths, as if she’d been running all over Kyoto to find him. She handed him a note.
    My mirror is missing. You have been enchanted with it of late. If you have it, please return it at once. I will make the inconvenience up to you any way you like. I also have some news from a distance for you.
    News from a distance usually meant news pertaining to the rebel ronin infiltrating the city. Kae folded the crisp rice paper and tucked it into his kimono sleeve.
    “Tell her I will stop by later tonight if I have time.”
    On the verge of tears, the girl fell to her knees in the center of the street. “Please, honored sir. She told me that if I didn’t find you and bring you back at once, she would have me beaten again.”
    She looked up, and Kae fell prey to her frightened eyes. He reached down, took hold of her arm and coaxed her to her feet. He took some money from the pouch inside his sleeve and gave it to the girl.
    “Aneko-san asked me to return something of hers that I borrowed. You get yourself something to eat while I retrieve it, and I will meet you by the Sanjo Bridge very soon.”
    * * * *
    Emmi stared across the wide pond at the twins skimming tiny stones across the water and ran her fingers through the thick grass beneath her. She wondered what had happened between Kaemon and his father. It was probably something unpleasant, judging from the older Nakagawa’s tone and demeanor.
    “Think of the demon and he appears,” Shinjuku-san teased before tapping Emmi on the shoulder.
    Emmi looked up and followed the older woman’s gaze to see Kae approaching. He looked so impressive striding toward them with his back straight, his gait sure and balanced like one long-schooled in the martial arts. His katana and wakizashi bobbed at his hip. The ends of his open haori blew slightly in the breeze while the kimono he wore beneath gaped slightly with his movements, revealing a flash of his well-toned chest. As he drew nearer, Emmi noticed his dark eyes instinctively scanning the surrounding area for any signs of trouble, even though there was unlikely to be any this far inside the compound.
    Shinjuku-san stood and brushed off the back of her kimono. “I need to round up those girls. They have a bit more work to do before dinner.” She grinned at Kaemon. “I trust it is safe to leave Emiko-chan alone with you?”
    “Absolutely safe,” he said, casting a look to Emmi that made her warm all over.
    It didn’t seem too terribly safe from where Emmi was sitting, but she wasn’t about to complain.
    The older woman left, and Kae extended his hand. Emmi took it and allowed him to help her up. He held on to her hand after she was on her feet, and Emmi stepped closer, wanting very much to kiss him again.
    “How did the meeting with your father go?”
    Kaemon shrugged. “As our meetings always do. He lectured me on my responsibilities, and I told him I would follow his wishes.”
    He let go of her hand.
    “I have a small errand to run. It won’t take long. I know Shinjuku-san will let you stay until I return.”
    “I can come with you.”
    “No,” he said quickly. “It won’t be safe for you. I need to see someone back in Shimabara.”
    “Oh,” Emmi answered flatly.
    Kaemon began to walk back toward the compound’s main building, and Emmi followed a few paces behind. She could imagine his business was of the sex variety with that hooker friend of his. Of course, that was none of her business. It

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