Finding The Soul Bridge (The Soul Fire Saga Book 1)

Finding The Soul Bridge (The Soul Fire Saga Book 1) by Zax Vagen Page A

Book: Finding The Soul Bridge (The Soul Fire Saga Book 1) by Zax Vagen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zax Vagen
to parts of the tunnel that looked like rooms. Near the centre was a large room with several glyphs next to it and there were parts of the tunnel that were blocked. The meanings of these blockages were difficult to understand as it implied that something needed to be kept in and not out.
    “Well!” said Kelvin squinting at the glyphs on the wall. “If I might suggest, let’s get to some of these points and figure out what is there and come back here with the information, then we can figure out what all the symbols mean. Let’s head for the closest one that looks like water first.
    “Are you suggesting that we split up?” asked Jem.
    “No.” said Kelvin. “Never, we just see what is there and then we will know what the glyphs mean.”
    “Good!” said Thist. “Let’s leave a mark of some kind to note where we have been and the way we have come, all agree?”
    The other two mouthed their agreements softly. The echoing in the cave had become annoying and the boys had taken up whispering as the sound still carried but didn’t echo as much.
    “You know?” said Jem. “We could just go to the entrance of the cave and get a lot of rain water, if water is a problem.”
    “Where is the fun in that?” said Kelvin.
    As they walked in the torch light they started to hear dripping sounds. First, the odd drip of large drops onto stone and in the distance, the longwinded echoing of drops striking still water, “doy-oy -oy, doy-oy-oy, doy-oy-oy.”
    “Eerie sound.” said Thist.
    Several voices in his head all started to chime at once, “Not the water, don't put us in the water! Don't leave us in the water, deep water, lost water.”
    “Whoa!” said Thist a little too loud, the echoes returning over and over, switching to a whisper now, “The voices don’t like the water. They call it the lost water.”
    “Quiet.” said Jem. “Be quiet and listen.”
    The trio stopped, listened and for a moment. The air was not so stuffy and dank, it had cooled down somewhat and the air seemed fresh and still, no draft or breeze. The trickle of running water like a small brook gurgling over pebbles could be heard behind the sound of the incessant drops now a much louder, “Doy-oy-oy, doy-oy-oy”
    “Step carefully.” whispered Jem. Watch where you go, if there is deep water then there could be a sudden drop off to it.”
    They looked around.
    “Light another torch” said Kelvin
    Jem held a second torch to the first. As it flared up the shadows changed, giving them all a sudden sense of vertigo.
    “We’re on a small ledge!” exclaimed Jem “Stand still. Concentrate on your balance.”
    Kelvin was nauseated by the vertigo and spewed up the last bits in his stomach.
    “Keep it out of the water.” Thist shouted. “We want to drink that.”
    “Don’t shout.” whispered Jem. “The echoing makes us dizzy.”
    The edge that they stood on was just wide enough for one man. The water that they had been hearing was a long way down and with the second torch changing the shadows, it was clear that it was deep water. The cave had widened to a vast antechamber, with long stalactites hanging from the ceiling. The water below looked deep blue and there was no way to climb back up if you fell in.
    “It would help if you could make your eyes glow again.” said Jem. “I’m still spooked by that.”
    “What are you blabbering about?” asked Thist
    Kelvin tried to clear his mouth by coughing and spitting. “He doesn’t know.” said Kelvin.
    “Of course.” said Jem. “You don’t know.”
    Thist sighed, “Can we get off this dangerous ledge, get some water and then you can all explain to me exactly what it is that I don't know.”
    “Good idea.” said Kelvin. “Can we light another torch, just for safety?”
    They shuffled against the wall testing every step before they committed their weight. After what seemed a long time they had circled all the way around where they found a narrow tunnel leading on deeper into the

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