Finding Trust (Centre Games)

Finding Trust (Centre Games) by Natalie Gayle Page B

Book: Finding Trust (Centre Games) by Natalie Gayle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Gayle
Better stock up on tissues and chocolate; it would only be a matter of time.
    “So where did you get to last night?” Jazz’s voice came through to him loud and clear.
    Here it comes—what would she say?
    “Well, I kind of went home with someone…”
    He bit his cheek to stop from laughing. He dared a sideways glance at her. She was looking out the window, obviously struggling with deciding just how much to say. Her right hand was viciously tugging at a lock of her hair, clearly uncertain about what to tell her friend.
    “No way—not that guy from Steel?”
    “Yep, the one and the same.”
    Hah—he loved it; Rihanna sounded almost smug. Clearly Jazz’s reaction had given her immediate confidence in the situation.
    “Oh, this is just too much. Where are you now?”
    “At his place.” Rihanna’s ear was immediately assaulted with high-pitched squealing.
    He was glad she was turned the other way or she would have seen him visibly flinch at the horrible noise.
    “You lucky thing, you. He is sooooo hot. Is he as good in bed as he is in the looks department?”
    “Ah ha.”
    “Oh, I get it, he’s right near.”
    “Yep and we would prefer that you don’t tell anyone about this.”
    “Does that imply you are staying there for a bit?”
    “Something like that.”
    “You can’t just say that and not tell me what you mean.”
    “Exactly that. We just want a few days alone to see how things go.”
    “Oh, you are sooo bad and sooo lucky and I am sooo jealous.”
Rihanna looked up and realised that while she had been talking, Brayden had stopped the car in the garage and was waiting for her to finish her call.
    “Ah, Jazz, I have to go. I’ve just got to go do something.”
    “Yeah, I bet. More like someone. Call me tomorrow. I live for details, you know that.”
    “I do. Bye, Jazzy.”
    Rihanna disconnected the call and slowly turned to face Brayden; judging by the look on his face, he had heard at least some of Jazz’s comments. Oh God, what’s he going to think?
    He leaned over the console and gently wrapped his hand behind her head and drew her into his kiss. His lips were warm and soft against hers and her heart immediately began to race as he slowly slid his tongue over her bottom lip, deepening the kiss as he sought entry into her mouth. At his mercy, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him in tighter to her body. Her breasts brushed teasingly against the planes of his chest and her nipples immediately pebbled and began to pulse with the intense heat that was building between them.
    He explored her mouth with a thoroughness that was unhurried and totally erotic. His kiss was taking them higher and higher. Ohhh, she needed his hands on her anywhere, everywhere. And almost on cue, he removed his hand from the nape of her neck but rather than to move it somewhere more interesting, he gently pulled back from her, breaking the connection.
    The electricity between them was almost visible, a current stretching between the two conductors. Their gazes connected and he smiled that cheeky grin that was oh so Brayden.
    “Wow, that was hot, babe.”
    She lowered her gaze, embarrassed by how direct his comment was.
    “Well, Minky, I thought I’d just make sure you had some accurate material to discuss with Jazz tomorrow. Methinks you told a few little fibs, although I have to say I like the sound of where you were heading with your thoughts.”
    “You told me to let her think we were together,” she responded accusingly in a very half-hearted attempt to defend herself. After all, what could she really say? “ Hey Jazz, I’m in the middle of a potential bio-terrorism event…and Brayden is some sort of secret spy or something,” she thought to herself.
    “Yeah, I did because it was the logical and easiest to believe story. I also think that the crux of your conversation with Jazz will be true before very long, and I know how you like to be honest.” The line was delivered with a devilish

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