Fish Perfume (Cozy Harbor Marina Series)

Fish Perfume (Cozy Harbor Marina Series) by Sammie Grace Page A

Book: Fish Perfume (Cozy Harbor Marina Series) by Sammie Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sammie Grace
thoroughly kissed in my life. Then he said ‘Goodnight, Cinderella,’ and ran out the door. He couldn’t get away from me fast enough. It was probably my beer breath.”
    “Oh, honey, I think he might just be your Prince Charmin’,” she said, laughing and shaking her head.
    “I wish. He probably thinks I’m a big party girl now. If he wasn’t interested before, I probably ruined any chance I had with him. Besides, he told me he has lots of girlfriends.”
    Mo, trying to make me feel better, said, “Keep the faith, honey, you never know. Guys are slow-movin’. They might love you to death, but they fight it every step of the way. I don’t know why. I guess they’re all born with the stupid idea that quantity is better than quality. Eventually, they do smarten up, and then they’re happier than a bear with a picnic basket.”
    She served up my lunch and I ate every bite.
    “Mo, you’re a lifesaver. I feel so much better now. I’m going to bed early tonight and I’ll be a new woman tomorrow.”
    “You’re welcome, honey.”
    I got through the day and went home. I checked my e-mail and had one from Laura.
    Subject: Miss you
    Hey, Meggie:
    Just got back from the shore. The boys had a great time and Danny came down on the weekends. My mother-in-law babysat a couple of nights so Danny and I could go out for a few cocktails. Went to the Windrose and ran into Jimmy the Rat Bastard. He isn’t dating Barbie, the Bimbo anymore. He didn’t say who dumped whom but I hope he was the dumpee. He asked about you and I told him you were up in RI for the summer having a wild time. He looked really sad when I shared that news. Of course, I enjoyed every minute of it. Talked to Helen, and she is really looking forward to coming up. I miss you. How are you? Have you seen that cute guy again?
    Love, Laura
    I answered her back.

    Hi, Laura:
    I’m so glad to hear from you. Too bad about Jimmy and Barbie. Do I feel sorry for him? NO! I’m having a good time and I don’t really think about him anymore. Getting away has been good for my mental health. The marina keeps me busy and I did go out last night to a local pub. I drank too much, danced a lot, and am totally hung-over today. I’ve made an ass out of myself a few times since I’ve been here, but what else is new. You know me. Anyway, I did run into that cute guy again last night. His name is Ian. I knew him as a kid up here. He’s a lobsterman who keeps his boats at the marina. He is hot, hot, hot. I’m totally infatuated with him, but unfortunately, I don’t think he’s interested. I’ll let you know if anything changes. Any advice for the lovelorn? Give the kids a hug.
    Love, Meggie
    I hit Send and shut my computer off. I made myself some dinner and got in bed with The Maiden and the Monk .


    I can’t believe next weekend is the Fourth of July already. Independence Day is a big deal in Cozy Harbor. People decorate their homes and yards in preparation for the traditional Cozy Harbor Fourth of July Parade. It’s usually pretty hilarious. I’ve been here for a few of the parades and I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
    Greg came by yesterday. He told me he would haul out the decorations for the marina that are stored in the shop and enlist Matt and Brian to put them up. This is the busiest weekend of the summer at the marina. Everyone who has a boat will be down for the festivities. I’m predicting that Journey and I will have a pretty hectic week. We’ll have to make sure the shelves are well stocked, which means I’ll have to do inventory and order more supplies.
    I had a busy morning, then I left Journey on her own so I could keep my date with Mac. It was another beautiful day with blue skies and low humidity. We haven’t had a lot of rain this summer. Luckily, when it has rained, it’s usually been in the evenings or in the middle of the night. So far, it’s been a great summer weather-wise for boaters and beachgoers. I met Mac on his boat,

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