Flail of the Pharoah
    The couple collapsed in a heap and for a long while Mira remained inert, feeling the weight of her husband pinning her down. It was comforting feeling the weight of a man on her again, covering her, his cock snug inside her body until slowly, slowly, it diminished and slid out with a faint plop. She could feel their mingled juices tickling her labia, and she squirmed against the bed once more. Desire for him returned in a fleeting moment, before the languid mood returned to her limbs and she relaxed into a deep post-coital slumber.
    She opened her eyes to find Seti lying beside her, his arm around her. ‘Wife, you have lost none of your allure,’ he smiled. ‘And you are as skilled as you ever were…’
    ‘Despite the lack of practice?’ she added slyly. In the blissful afterglow she knew she could get away with making teasing remarks.
    He smiled indulgently at her. ‘Perhaps you shall have more practice soon, but your first task must be to train the new girl.’
    To Mira’s great displeasure he beckoned the girl out of the shadows. Once again Mira had completely forgotten about this alien presence, and she felt embarrassed as she recalled her abandoned lovemaking, especially the way her husband had slapped and rough-handled her, as if she were a slave to be used any way he wished. Oh, if only, a voice within her longed for such treatment, although she could hardly admit it to herself, let alone Seti, and still less to this stranger in their midst who was fast becoming a thorn in her side.
    Yet when the pale-skinned girl approached the bed she was wide-eyed with admiration.
    ‘You see, Mira, this young woman is amazed by what she has just witnessed,’ the Pharaoh said. ‘She marvels at the grace and beauty of the Queen of Egypt, her agile skill in the Pharaoh’s bed. Is that not so, Charmian?’
    She bowed her head, blushing. ‘Yes, sire.’
    ‘And you wish to perform like the queen, don’t you?’ The girl nodded and Seti smiled with satisfaction. ‘She will tell me when you are ready. Then I shall take your virginity gently, the same way I possess all my women. You have nothing to fear. Now, Mira, take her back to the harem. I shall see you in the morning, my queen.’
    Mira felt bitter disappointment strike at her, like the bite of an asp. She had expected to be allowed to spend the night with her husband, as in the old days, but it seemed she was now no more than a concubine to him. But she would not let this green girl see she was put out. Far from it. She rose swiftly from the bed and, gathering her robe around her, held out her hand to Charmian with a friendly smile. ‘Come, girl, let us take our leave of the Pharaoh.’
    The two females bowed low, then backed out of the bedchamber still holding hands. As soon as they left the king’s presence, however, Mira let go of her hand and began to stride out, impatient to return to her quarters, leaving Charmian to hurry along behind.
    ‘Go back to the harem, and say nothing about what you have seen tonight,’ she rasped at the girl when they arrived at her doorway. ‘I shall see you tomorrow.’
    ‘Yes, Queen Mira,’ she replied, curtseying humbly.
    Mira swept into her room and clapped her hands for Iras, who quickly appeared. ‘Prepare my bath and night robe,’ she snapped.
    The girl sent for hot water and soon Mira was wallowing in the scented warmth, which began to melt away her irritation. The king had well satisfied her, so what did she have to be cross about? Her position was so obviously superior to that of Charmian that it was ridiculous to feel envy or resentment. She would always come first in Seti’s heart and he had told her so a thousand times. So why did she have this empty ache in her own heart, and that cold fear at her back? Was it because of the beautiful child Seti hoped to beget through his union with the blue-eyed girl? Well, if it came to fighting on her son’s behalf against some young upstart, then she was up to the

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