Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3)

Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3) by Heather Allen Page A

Book: Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3) by Heather Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Allen
letting his hand go the entire time.
    We enter the Erebus caves and I shudder at the thought of being on my own in an unknown place. Jaspen meets us in his new favorite room, the one filled with maps. He must feel powerful in there or something. Truth be told, I wouldn’t be showing off the fact that a city twice the size of this one is coming to defeat us, but I never really understood Jaspen.
    “Ever, there you are, yet again, the most important person in our fight.”
    I catch the look on Jack’s face as he hears this. It seems like a touch of fear. I have to assure them both that I can do this. I push back my shoulders and try to make myself a little taller.
    “Yep, that’s me.” My voice does not exude the confidence I need, at least not in my ears.
    Jaspen chuckles, which seems to annoy Jack even more. Maybe Amber was right. Maybe he is going to do an ‘Ever’ and lose it when I’m gone. I definitely can’t let that happen. I grab his hand and squeeze a little tighter than I mean to.
    He looks over startled, “Whoa there killer.”
    I smirk uneasily and loosen my grip.
    He brings my hand to his lips and kisses it gently.
    “Hey, it’s going to be alright.”
    When exactly did the tables turn here? A minute ago I was afraid Jack was going to lose it, now suddenly I’m teetering on the edge.
    Jaspen speaks up amused by our little interlude, “Do you understand what you need to do?”
    I nod repeating what he told me the other day, “Find Alex and when I get there convince him that I changed my mind about…being with him.” My voice cracks at the last part. I’m sad that Jack must hear this. It betrays us.
    I continue, “Find out their plan of attack when, and how many people they have fighting, and what weapons they are using.”
    Jaspen responds, “Yes, and don’t forget…”
    We both say at the same time, “Find out who is leading this attack.”
    He turns and tells us, “I’ll leave you to say your good-byes.”
    As the door closes Jack gathers me in his arms. His touch shoots the familiar sparks through my body and I focus as they travel down my fin and up into my neck. He lowers his face to my ear and whispers, “Ever, I love you. You are my heart. Please come back to me.”
    A tear rolls down my cheek. I move my face so my lips meet his and we kiss. This definitely will not be our last.
    We pull apart and his hand lingers caressing my cheek.
    my face 3em"> “I’ll see you soon.”
    I smile and tell him, ‘I love you!”
    I back away and close my eyes before I can have second thoughts. I feel his hand fall from my face and focus on the water far away to the South. It stirs around me and I can tell before I open my eyes that the light in the water has changed positions. I open my eyes and see the most incredible and scary sight all at the same time. The city is far in front of me. It is immense and beautiful. My stomach does a flip and I tell myself, stay strong.
    The city grows as I get closer and the impending doom creeps through my bones. I keep telling myself this is for Jack though and I swim on. I would have different thoughts about this place if I were here under different circumstances. It really is so incredible. Many of the buildings put Jaspen’s city to shame even when they were still intact. About a half mile from the city I notice other mer-people swimming through the water on the edges of the city where the buildings are sparse. I really don’t want to draw any attention to myself so I duck behind a rock structure close by. I think about Alex, wondering if he will accept my lie or see right through me and send me back. I shake the doubt away and try to formulate a plan.
    Knowing that ‘traveling’ works with places, I wonder if it will work with people. There’s a thought. I close my eyes praying this works and picture Alex. His broad shoulders, now short, blonde hair and bright green eyes appear in my mind. The water around me stirs. I’m afraid to open my eyes

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