Four Weddings and a Fiasco: The Wedding Caper

Four Weddings and a Fiasco: The Wedding Caper by Patricia McLinn Page A

Book: Four Weddings and a Fiasco: The Wedding Caper by Patricia McLinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia McLinn
    “Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Larkin. Eric and K.D., how wonderful to meet you in person.”
    The cheerful voice came from the vicinity of the check-in desk. After reminding herself that it wasn’t suspicious that someone from Marriage-Save recognized them, because they’d emailed photos a few hours ago, K.D. stepped forward.
    Eric was there ahead of her. He looked over his shoulder at her, quirking an eyebrow that seemed to say this was his duty. Sure it was more common for the man to do it, but it wasn’t mandatory.
    She turned away in an apparent huff for a double benefit — backing their charade and giving her a chance to look around.
    Security cameras over the front door. One focused on the entry, the other at the reception desk. Where else —?
    “Mrs. Larkin?”
    “K.D., this young lady needs your signature, too.”
    Eric’s voice turned her around, belatedly realizing the woman had called her Mrs. Larkin, and she hadn’t responded. She had to be more alert for that.
    “What a lovely room this is,” she said as she signed. That gave her an excuse for a more overt look around. More cameras in the hallway that disappeared under the staircase.
    “It is lovely, isn’t it? It’s amazing that no one’s ruined the wonderful period feel of it. Much of the rest of the building has been renovated, added on to and otherwise altered, but this area remains as it was when it survived the 1906 earthquake. I think that’s why I like working up front so much. That and getting to meet such nice people.”
    She gave a brilliant smile, perfectly divided between them. Not even the most jealous wife could complain about it, not even the most philandering husband could build hopes around it.
    She was good.
    “We’ll get you signed in,” said the bubbly receptionist, “then you can leave your suitcases here while I show you around before I escort you upstairs. We have three counselors. Each works with several couples a day, some here for the weekend program like you are, and others for our longer programs. You’ll be working with Melody, with one session tonight, multiple sessions Saturday and Sunday, then a wrap-up Monday morning. In between, you’ll have other activities. And there is a bit of free time. Now, let me show you our amenities.”

    “. . . A nd here is your room.” The smiling young woman opened the door, stepping inside to hold it for them as they each wheeled in a suitcase.
    Their tour had barely started when K.D. had started thinking of the receptionist as Ms. Smiley.
    K.D. followed her now, so she saw the issue before Eric did.
    One bed.
    Not a king size, either.
    More like a runt-among-princesses size.
    “This is fine for me. Alone,” she said.
    “Oh, no,” said Ms. Smiley. “It’s a firm policy that our couples share a room.”
    “Two beds —”
    “None of our rooms have two beds.” Did she ever stop smiling? “Settle in now, then in thirty minutes, you’ll meet with Melody downstairs for your preliminary session. If you need anything, let us know. I’m Lily, by the way.”
    She closed the door with herself and her smile on the hallway side of it.
    “What we need is separate rooms,” muttered K.D.
    She became aware Eric still hadn’t said anything. She looked over at him and met an intent look. He held her gaze for a moment, before shifting his focus to the upper right corner of the room, then, slowly, to the upper left.
    She picked up her suitcase and set it on the rack, using the motion to check the upper left. “I get the right side of the bed,” she stated, pointedly looking away from Eric, which brought her gaze to the upper right.
    Cameras. She’d check the other corners when she had a chance to do it naturally.
    She should have spotted that. She should have thought to look for them after the ones downstairs. There were cameras in the hallways on the first floor. The one, unoccupied counseling room their tour guide had shown them also had cameras.

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