Full Tide

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Book: Full Tide by Celine Conway Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celine Conway
Gran Canaria appeared uninviting, and perhaps that was why L isa did not urge Jeremy to be among the first to step ashore. Now that the motion of the ship had ceased, the sun burned with a malignant force which, however, did not deter the hawkers in their ramshackle craft. Apparently they were not allowed to clutter the quay, but undismayed they swarmed about th e ship’s side and along the waterfront, yelling their colorful wares. T he guaguas, those creaking buses which lined up to carry people the three and a half miles to Las Palmas were fillin g steadily and starting away behind each other with a lurch and much shouting from the small swarthy drivers. The noise and withering heat dazed Lisa. She glanced with alarm at Nancy’s thin panama.
    “This is much too hot for Nancy. I’ll go back to the cabin for my umbrella,” she said. “It’s tartan silk, so won’t disgrace us as a sunshade.”
    Jeremy’s look at the child was exasperated. “ Important scrap, isn’t she? I’ll go. Where is it? ”
    “I’m not sure whether I unpacked it or left it in the trunk, so I’d better go myself. I won’t be long.” She flew up the gangway, along the deserted deck, across the lounge and down the staircase. Turning into her own corridor she collided full-tilt with Mark. He caught her shoulder and steadied her.
    “I beg your pardon,” she said breathlessly.
    “You shouldn’t dash about like that, with the temperature up in the nineties. What have you forgotten?”
    “A sunshade for Nancy.”
    “They’re provided on the official tour. ”
    “We’re going by bus.”
    “Oh!” The word was non-committal. “You and who else ... the budding stage hero?”
    Before Lisa could reply she was conscious of the doctor coming along the alley, behind the Captain. Mark also wa s aware of his approach, for he stood aside so that she had plenty of room to pass. The doctor gave her a perfunctory smile and spoke to Mark.
    “Miss Carmichael will be all right, but I’ve advised her to stay aboard and keep cool. Are you going ashore?”
    As Lisa entered her own cabin she heard Mark’s reply; it seemed abnormally loud and clear. “I have a duty call to make, but I shall be back by three. You’ve nothing serious on. Why don’t you hit a high spot yourself, doc?”
    When she came out again into the corridor Mark had gone and the whole vessel was hushed. She thought of Astra, languidly recuperating from two days’ feverish work upon Jeremy, and of Mark who could, if he wished, have the woman to himself for several hours. What did one do, she asked herself bleakly, when that kind of reflection hurt deep inside?
    She rejoined Jeremy and Nancy, and boarded the last, garlic-smelling bus with them. Soon, as the vehicle bumped and swayed its way from the port to the capital city of Gran Canaria, she was able to take an interest in the white houses set above the sea, and in the crowded streets of Las Palmas.
    They left the bus and walked in the Triana, with its fine shops and cafes. The whole island must have known the British ship was in, for olive-skinned men in blue denim jostled on the curbs, each one claiming that his loquats and strawberries, apricots and bananas were the ripest, the cheapest and the best value for money. In the side streets stood picturesque women in red voluminous skirts and full white blouses, with huge baskets of flowers upon their heads. They had not the push and camaraderie of the men, but were very willing to swing their loads to the ground and allow the tourists to take their choice.
    Jeremy bought a spray of fantastically large crimson daisies. He snapped one from the bunch and tucked it securely into Lisa’s hair.
    “It’s better than hibiscus—it won’t fade so soon. I’ve accomplished the impossible, Lee—made you look exotic.” Having decided that if Nancy had to be endured it might as well be done gladly, he said kindly, “Would you like a flower in your hat, nipper?”
    She eyed him

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