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Book: Fury by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
stayed locked. She knew that if she
leaned in just a little, her lips would press against his, and she’d end this
need inside of her, or at least tame it for a bit. Her pussy clenched
involuntarily, and she had to hold back the moan that would have spilled forth.
The only thing keeping her from the monster between his thighs was a thin piece
of terrycloth. That thought had more moisture leaving her pussy.
don’t think you really understand the kind of motherfucker I am, Angelina,” he
said, his focus still trained on her eyes. “If you did you wouldn’t be wet for
me right now.”
not wet for you.”
didn’t show expression, but he did curl the corner of his mouth up. “Do you
really want me to prove you wrong on that?”
wanted to say something, to deny the effect he had on her, but the words were
lodged in her throat.
you really want me to show you what a liar you are?” He leaned in that last
inch and ran his tongue over her bottom lip, then did the same to her top,
making this gruff sound as she stood there accepting his touch. “Do you really
want me to touch your pussy and show you exactly how primed you are for me?”
His lips moved along hers as he spoke. The act shouldn’t have been as erotic as
it was, but when he pulled away all she was left feeling was the tingling of
where his tongue had been.
without another word, and before she could respond to what he’d said, he turned
from her and left her standing there aroused and wet, and feeling so damn
moved away from the wall, her knees buckling, her legs unsteady. Without
another thought she went back into her room, shut the door, and leaned against
it. Her heart was thundering behind her ribs. They may not have done anything,
not really, but what had just happened in the hallway was intense, explosive,
and so damn arousing her entire body was on fire for Fury.

had only been one fucking day and Nando was already feeling like this was going
to be one of the easiest damn jobs he’d ever done. The club was clearly
oblivious to the fact they could be on someone’s shit list, or maybe they
didn’t give a shit. He didn’t know jack about the MC, but what Nando did know
was in order to stay alive there was never a chance to let his guard down. He
was already prepared, always ready for things to go to hell. It’s how he’d
lasted this long in the game.
took a hit off the cigarette, finishing it before stubbing it out. Bringing the
scope up again he focused on the club. He didn’t know what the MC had done to
piss off Sal, but it had to be pretty hardcore for the Cardona leader to get
Nando involved.
was the last line to get shit covered.
the scope he saw two men leaving the MC, one of the fuckers looking like he was
in pain, and hobbling toward an SUV. The other guy tried to help the injured
one, but the one with a serious limp pushed him off. They argued for several
seconds before they started making their way toward the vehicle again. And then
three more big fuckers in leather vests came out of the clubhouse looking
pissed as they headed toward the vehicle.
the men started speaking, their expressions warping to rage the longer they
spoke. Nando didn’t know what was up, or if this would be the lead to find
Angelina, but he didn’t fucking care either. It was like watching a train wreck
as these assholes came undone together.
watching them for several minutes Nando grabbed his shit and left the motel. This
might be the easiest fucking job he’d even been paid to do.
in his car he was about to crank the engine and follow the SUV once it hit the
road, but he spotted a taxi pulling up to the front gates. He watched as a
young woman got out, a suitcase in her hand. She stood there for several
seconds just staring at the MC, the taxi finally pulling away moments later. It
was clear she was at war with herself. When she finally made her way

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