Ghost Light

Ghost Light by Rick Hautala Page A

Book: Ghost Light by Rick Hautala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rick Hautala
Tags: Horror
he hated to admit it, time was his enemy today. He had worked double-time all morning, trying to cover a full day’s worth of business by noon just so he could take off a few hours this afternoon. The drive from the hardware store, across the Missouri River to Council Bluffs had taken almost half an hour, what with the traffic heavier than normal and a bad run of luck with the traffic lights.
    He sighed heavily as he stepped out of the air conditioned comfort of his car, and the heat of the dash washed over him like a gush of hot water. After making sure he’d locked the car doors, he squinted as he scanned the heat-hazed parking lot. A smile split his face when he saw Elizabeth’s white Toyota Camry parked at the far end of the long, low row of motel units. As always when she arrived first, she’d signaled that the door was unlocked by hanging her red scarf on the Levelor blinds in the window of unit 40, their usual rendezvous room.
    “Ah, that’s my girl,” Harry whispered.
    He slid his car keys into his pocket and started across the parking lot, wanting to hurry out of the heat but no quite having the energy to move fast. With each step his feet seemed to sink a few inches into the sun softened asphalt. The combination of heat, lack of sleep, and working at top speed all morning were taking their toll. By the time he rapped lightly on the enamel green door and jiggled the doorknob, he was thinking how much he’d rather take a short nap than make love this afternoon… even with Elizabeth.
    “I’m waiting,” a light, feminine voice chimed from inside the room.
    Smiling, Harry pushed the door open and stepped into the embracing arms of cool darkness. The air conditioner was humming softly, drowning out all other noises from outside. He shivered as he swung the door shut behind him and waited a moment for his eyes to adjust to the thick gloom before running the security chain lock shut.
    “Sorry I’m late,” he said as he felt his way cautiously forward and placed the bottle of wine on top of the TV. “Traffic was all screwed up downtown.”
    “Don’t worry,” said the woman’s voice with just a hint of humor. “I didn’t start anything without you.”
    Harry laughed softly. He could see a little bit better now, and could make out the mounded hump in the bed. A single, white sheet covered Elizabeth up to her neck. Her long, black hair spread out over the pillow. Her eyes seemed to glow dully as she stared up at him. A faint smile exposed the fine white line of her teeth as her tongue darted out and licked her upper lip.
    “Oh… some one’s been sleeping in my bed,” Harry said.
    His eyes lingered for a moment on the shadowed, rounded curves beneath the sheet… curves that made his mouth go suddenly dry. For a woman in her late thirties, Elizabeth was in fantastic shape. He loved the passionate enjoyment she brought to their love-making sessions. At times, but not often over the past three years of his affair with her, Harry wondered when and why and how he had lost that feeling with Cindy. Only lately had he stopped wondering if they would ever get it back. Why worry, when he had discovered it was so much better with Elizabeth?
    “Would you care for some wine first?” He indicated the bottle with a sweep of his hand.
    In answer, Elizabeth flung the sheet aside, exposing her naked body. Her firm, rounded breasts drew his gaze and held it for a moment, but then he looked down at the dark triangle between her legs as she slowly spread her knees apart.
    “Would you care for some of this first?” she said.
    “I—uh, I thought you said you hadn’t started yet,” he said, laughing.
    “I’ve shown you mine, now get your butt over here and let me see what you’ve got,” Elizabeth said, lowering her voice to a husky, commanding tone.
    Chuckling softly, Harry walked over to the bedside and stood at attention while Elizabeth, leaning on one elbow, reached up and began to unbuckle his belt. She

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