Ghostly Liaison
think so?” Tori looked downright hopeful.
    “Any man who’d want to date you wouldn’t let a little work get in the way.” Unfortunately for Tori, that man wasn’t Rob. But hey, she could learn the hard way.
    Tori smiled and nodded. “You’re right. Thanks, Bridget.”
    “Any time.” Maybe she was a horrible person leading her cousin on, but she didn’t care. Tori had it coming.
    Once her cousin left, Bridget stared at the ocean scene on the monitor. Sun, sand, and palm trees. Now there was a place she’d probably never visit, at least not in the summer wearing something skimpy. Not like she used to, anyway. Oh well, she was getting too old for that crap anyway. Right?
    She clicked on the Internet icon. Why was she bothering searching for Nick? Besides wasting her time here when Rob would be the easiest route, did she really think she’d be able to see another ghost? If ghosts were floating all over the place, how come she hadn’t seen them?
    Or maybe she had. Could that be what she’d seen in the hospital? And how about that guy on the road? Shit. So what made her crazier: seeing hallucinations or seeing ghosts?
    She turned off the machine and stood. Forget about Charlie. Forget about Nick. They weren’t her concern right now, her job was.
    By the time five o’clock rolled around, her concern had shifted from performing her job to making it home before she collapsed. Being on her feet most of the day—cleaning cages, feeding animals—only made her headache worse. Her muscles could stand a break, too. How could riding a bike one time create such misery? Another bath was in store for the evening, and more ibuprofen. Not that the pills helped with the headache much. She pulled her backpack out of the locker and slipped it on.
    Kate pulled a bottle of water from the refrigerator. “You got any plans for tonight?”
    Bridget grabbed her coat from the rack and hooked it on her arm. The weather had been chilly in the morning, but warmed nicely by lunch, so she wouldn’t need to wear it home. “Rob’s supposed to come over and work on the bathroom. Other than that, nope.”
    “How’s it working with Rob? Is he behaving?”
    Was kissing her behaving? “So far it’s good. I’m thankful you suggested me for a house sitter. But you didn’t coerce him, did you?”
    “Coerce him? Why would you think…. Oh, Tori. I keep forgetting she’s got the hots for Rob and is within earshot whenever he visits. She must feel threatened.” Kate lifted an eyebrow. “Should she?”
    “I’m not doing anything to threaten her.” Except maybe existing.
    “Then she must be her regular paranoid self. Well, I didn’t coerce him or beg. I knew he was having difficulty with his neighbor and I merely suggested you as a solution. And since I could vouch for you, he jumped all over it. Does that make you feel better?”
    “A little, thanks. I feel like all I’ve been doing lately is asking for help.”
    “Hey, if family can’t help out, what good are they, huh? Do you need a ride home?”
    Cramps had threatened Bridget’s leg all day and while a ride home would be nice, she couldn’t accept. Maybe family was meant to help, but there was needing help and there was being needy. She would not be needy. She shook her head. “I’m good, but thanks.”
    “Let me walk out with you, then. I think I need some air after the Mitchell’s dog. I’ve never seen a dog fart so much.”
    Together they laughed and stepped outside. The sky was a dazzling blue without a fluff of cloud and the scent of pine filled the air. Bridget took it all in.
    “Is that why you don’t need a ride?” Kate nodded to the front of the lot.
    There stood a big red truck, with Rob leaning against it. He smiled and waved. Bridget’s heart fluttered at the sight.
    “I didn’t know he was coming here.” Why did he keep pursuing her? How many times did she have to tell him no? Maybe when her noes stopped sounding like yeses. Because deep down inside,

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