
GianMarco by Eve Vaughn Page B

Book: GianMarco by Eve Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Vaughn
at her
     with his amber gaze as if she were precious treasure. As soon as those images popped
     in her head, she would quickly push them away. To entertain such dangerous thoughts
     would be an exercise in futility. He had obviously been experimenting to see what
     it was like to be with a big woman or he was amusing himself. Whatever his reasons,
     they were beyond her. She just had to write it off as a fleeting fancy. She had enough
     to deal with in her life already without her adding to it by acting on her lustful
     thoughts toward her boss ... her fine-as-hell boss.
    “Hi, Mom.”
    Maggie looked up at the tall, lanky, dusky-skinned young man. His huge bright smile
     lit up his already handsome face. She smiled back at him. “Hey, baby, you’re looking
     a little on the thin side. Are you eating properly? Should I come over to your apartment
     and make you a proper meal?” She surveyed him with “Mom” eyes.
    “You always say that, and I’m eating just fine. The last time you came over and cooked
     for me, the guys ate your peach cobbler before I could get any.”
    “Hmm, I think your roommates could probably use a little fattening up as well. I’ll
     just have to make two cobblers the next time I come over.”
    Darren rolled his eyes as he took the seat across from her. “Believe me, those guys
     eat more than most human beings. You could bring five cobblers and it wouldn’t be
    “If you say so. Should we order first, or do you want to tell me what it is that you
     couldn’t tell me over the phone?”
    He shifted in his chair and stared down at his menu. “Uh, let’s wait until we have
     something to eat. Did I mention that you look nice? I like your hair like that.”
    She grinned, shaking out her wild mane. “Thanks. I like it, too. Montana convinced
     me to go natural. It’s low maintenance, just how I like it.”
    “And it suits you. So, is this the new, improved you?”
    “It’s a beginning. I went by town hall to get the paperwork to go back to my maiden
     name. It won’t change until the divorce is final though.”
    “That’s great. When will that be?”
    “I’m not sure how it all works. I mailed the papers back to your father this morning.
     He’ll file the papers once he receives them, so I imagine it won’t be long since he
     wants to remarry. I’m sure your father will notify me when things are final, and he’s
     more than likely to gloat, but who cares?”
    Darren raised his brows. “You actually sound okay with it.”
    Maggie shrugged. “I am okay with it. There’s nothing I can do to change the situation
     and after a lot of thinking and soul searching, I don’t want to do anything about it.”
    “That’s the spirit, Mom. I’m so proud of you.” Darren gave her a wink.
    “I don’t know about you but I’m starving. Let’s order. I tried to be healthy with
     just a banana for breakfast, but I’m about ready to gnaw my arm off, I’m so hungry.
     I was thinking of getting a medium pizza we can split, with everything on it and extra
     cheese, of course.”
    “Sounds good to me.”
    Around the second slice of pizza, Maggie would not be held off any longer. “Now that
     you have some food in your belly, do you want to tell me what’s on your mind?” She
     smiled in encouragement.
    Darren put his slice of pizza down and took a sip of his soft drink before he spoke.
     “Mom, I’ve met someone. I think it’s the real thing.”
    Maggie frowned. This was what he had wanted to tell her? It wasn’t the big deal she
     thought it would be. “Well, that’s great, honey. You’re still young, though, so I
     think you should probably take things slow for now. I’d love to meet her.”
    Darren prevaricated. “Well, that’s just it. This person is different.”
    “What’s so different about her? Does she have a third nipple?”
    “That’s pretty out there. Even if she did, do you think I’d have that conversation
     with my mom?

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