Gina Cresse - Devonie Lace 01 - A Deadly Change of Course--Plan B

Gina Cresse - Devonie Lace 01 - A Deadly Change of Course--Plan B by Gina Cresse Page B

Book: Gina Cresse - Devonie Lace 01 - A Deadly Change of Course--Plan B by Gina Cresse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Cresse
Tags: Mystery: Cozy - Treasure Hunter - California
Cooper explained.
    “Do you have any idea how long this will take to clear up?  I mean, how long will I have to stay in hiding?  I have to work and earn a living in the mean time.”
    “We suggest you don’t go to your job for now.  Call in sick, or take a vacation.  You shouldn’t go near any place you regularly hang out.  That’ll be the first place someone would look for you,” Agent Cooper said .  “As far as how long this will take?  That’s hard to say.  It depends on who’s behind it all, and how much they want to avoid being caught.”
    “Great,” I said.  “I guess I can look for some kind of work in Del Mar in the mean time.”
    Agent Willis made some notes in a small notepad.  “Can you give us a number where we can reach you?”
    I gave him my cell phone number.
    “Thank you.  We’ll keep you informed of our investigation.  In the meantime, be very careful, and follow our suggestions.  Okay?”
    I nodded.  “Thank you both,” I said. 
    I dropped Jason off at his shop.  “Are you going straight back to Del Mar now?” he asked me.
    “No. First, I’m going to stop and buy a power cord for the computer.  Then I need to pick up groceries and stuff.  After that, I’ll go back to my… my hideout.  Doesn’t it sou nd so James Bondish ?” I laughed to keep from crying.
    “It’s not funny, Dev.  You need to be careful.”
    “I know.  I will.”
    I called the Grille from the parking lot of the computer supply store to let them know I would not be able to work that weekend.  My boss whined that I had just recently taken time off — but I explained that I had a personal emergency and it couldn’t be helped.
    By the time I pulled into my aunt and uncle’s driveway, it was nearly six o’clock.  As I carried the computer and a bag of groceries down the dock, Craig came trotting up behind me.  “Wait up, Devonie .  Let me help you carry some of that.”
    “Thanks,” I said as I handed him the bag of groceries.
    “What’s that?  A laptop computer?” he asked.
    “Yeah.   I had to buy a power cord for it today.  I picked it up at an auction earl ier this week, but the battery’ s dead.”
    “Your aunt told me you’re into buying and selling stuff like that.  Do you make a decent living at it?” he asked.
    “Oh.  I get by.  Once in a while I make a really good deal.  When that happens, I can put a little something into savings.  Like last month , I bought this storage unit in San Diego.  It was full of all kinds of stuff that looked like junk to most people.  Most of it actually was junk, but the guy who had rented it left a bunch of old movie posters behind.  They turned out to be collector’s items.  I found a dealer up in Hollywood who paid me top dollar for them.  But that doesn’t happen very often.”
    “How long have you been in this business?” he asked.
    “I started about a year ago.  I used to be a database administrator, but I discovered that I’m not cut out for the rat race. I had to change my lifestyle before I became roadkill on the corporate highway.  So, here I am.”
    “I think it’s great that you’re able to do this.  I admire a person who can take control of their life and make changes like that.”
    “I don’t know how much control I have.  I just know life’s a lot less stressful now.  I feel so much better — it’s unbel ievable.”  I re played what I’d just said in my head.  I sensed stress would be cree ping back into my life — big-time —very soon.  I only hoped I’d have the strength to handle it better than my history indicated.
    “That’s great.  Hey, I guess I’m having dinner with you guys tonight.  Your aunt just called and invited me over.”
    I laughed.  “She must have waited until she saw me pull into the driveway.  I’m sure she’s attempting a little matchmaking.  I hope you don’t mind.”
    “Mind?   Are you kidding?  I never pass up a chance at a home-cooked

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