Girl Jacked
    He hated this. Marisa was like a siren that pulled sailors to their death. All he could think of right now was how much he wanted to hold her. Jack was opening up, but he was the type of man that couldn’t open up a little. His pride was like a dam, one little crack, and he broke.
    “She got what looks like a great deal, full scholarship to WRE. Everything was going great…. But she’s gone…”
    He was close to breaking and that meant he was close to screaming and storming out. He didn’t want her to see him like this. He didn’t want anyone to see him like this.
    He paused and looked into her eyes.
    “I’m sorry. I need you–”
    She moved so fast he wasn’t able to finish his sentence. She grabbed him and pulled his body against hers, the picture fell to the table. One of her hands held the back of his head and the other pulled him closer to her. They crashed together like two dancers, a fierce impact filled with delicate grace.
    She embraced and kissed him. Her hands moved behind his head.
    He hesitated and then gave in. Grabbing her waist, he hoisted her onto the desk.
    A deep, lush, moan that would be better explained as a purr escaped her lips. Jack’s hands traveled over her taut muscles. He grabbed the back of her head and kissed the base of her neck.
    The girl getting a tattoo down the hall winced as the tattoo artist pressed too hard. He, she, and the boyfriend all looked down the hallway at the sound of objects crashing to the floor as a desktop was swept clean of everything on it.
    The lanky tattoo artist hesitantly approached the door but stopped when he heard the distinctive sounds of passion. He knew Marisa, but he didn’t know the guy. Not that it mattered. He knew Marisa and there was no way he was going to knock on that door.
    Jack kept his eyes closed. He could smell Marisa’s hair. He could feel her breath on his neck. He lay on top of her on the desk, one hand behind her head and the other on her waist. Jack breathed in her scent and it stoked a growing fire within him. The rhythm of their movements quickly synchronized. Their mutual need was palpable and their entwined bodies began to undulate as one.
    “Jack,” she whispered his name and softly kissed his ear.
    He opened one eye, and when he looked at her, she was staring at him with her big brown eyes. They were open, inviting, and enflamed with desire. Her eyes softened and he read something else in her expression, vulnerability. She reached out to pull him close.
    He leaned in to kiss her, but guilt enveloped him.
    I can’t do this. I can’t hurt her again.
    He slowly pulled back and slid off the table.
    Her eyes traveled the length of his body again, and Jack swallowed hard.
    “I don’t… I don’t want to hurt you.” Jack’s jaw clenched.
    The heat in Marisa’s eyes cooled along with her voice. “You don’t want to hurt me… or Gina?”
    Jack’s chin lowered to his chest and he sighed.
    He shook his head, “No, Gina walked out.” He looked up into her eyes. “She’s not in your league. You’re… Tu sei la mia bella .”
    Her eyes widened and her mouth danced between a smile and frown. “Then why?”
    “Marisa, any guy would kill to be with you but... right now... you don’t need me in your life.”
    She slid off the desk and leaned against it. Her look turned cold. She stood up and walked over to a computer in the corner of the room. “He has an eagle on his right forearm? He got it here about a year ago.”
    She pressed a few keys and a page started to print out.
    Jack stared at her confused.
    “I knew the tat right away.” She straightened her back putting on her best face. “I just wanted to make you beg.”
    She flipped the page over, scribbled a quick note, then folded the paper up and placed it in an envelope. Without looking at him, she pushed the envelope to the edge of the desk and looked back to the computer.
    “Marisa.” He touched her shoulder, and she let her head rest against

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