world into your bedroom instead of using the time to connect by communicating, inviting intimacy and bonding or just having some quiet time by yourself to think or rest. The bedroom is a place to go to unwind and sleep after a long day.
Now that you have answered these questions and written down your answers, you can move on to using the Spotlight to set goals to make some changes.
By using the Searchlight, you know exactly what needs to be done. With the Spotlight, you are going to get right down to it and set some goals. As you accomplish each one, check it off.
Here are some examples of goals you could set:
This will be a sanctuary where you can relax and unwind.
Closet chaos will be conquered! The closet will hold only the clothes you actually wear. Shelves will be organized; shoes, scarves, and belts will have a designated area. Wire and plastic hangers will be donated.
Nightstands will be functional both inside and out; no clutter will be allowed on the top.
All clothes will be kept off the floor and folded or hung where they belong.
Everything in this room will have a designated place where it will live.
Bed sheets will be changed regularly.
Pictures will be hung on the walls to give the room a warm, peaceful feeling.
Dresser tops will be free of clutter, including too many figurines or pictures.
Write down a target date to complete these goals. This will help you to stay focused and keep on track.
This is the most exciting part. You are going to see wonderful changes. Refer to your goals, and let's get going. Stay in the Green Light by wearing comfortable clothes. Gather your tool kit (see page 22) and your four containers (see page 35).
Get a drink (water is my favorite as it actually gives your body energy) and a snack. Set your timer for a specific amount of time. I recommend at least one hour. You want to get a lot done in a short period of time, and you can do it if you stick to it. Either take the phone off the hook or, if it rings, let the answering machine pick up and you can listen to the message when you take a break. (Schedule a time later in the day to check messages and return calls.)
When your timer rings, if you are engrossed in what you are doing, reset the timer and keep going! When you take a break, set your timer for five minutes so you will remember to come back and get your room organized.
Start working from the inside out. I bet one of your biggest headaches is your closet. So start there. You will create a big mess and chaos in this room before it is all back together and looking wonderful — but rest assured it will go from chaos to organized.
Places to start:
under the bed
other furniture (armoires, benches/chests)
Remove everything systematically from the closet. In case you don't finish today, you will want to be able to go to bed tonight, so you don't want to remove what is on the shelves, closet rod and floor all at the same time. Removing everything from the closet will take some time, but just think what surprises and hidden treasures you will find.
There is a reason for taking everything out of your closet. I know this is a big project, and everyone groans about it, so here is the logic behind removing everything:
You will be able to see exactly what kind of space you have to work with.
You will be astonished and maybe embarrassed by the pile of stuff now sitting on your floor, bed, couch, or the cat. This will give you the itch to organize it neatly and in a way that it is useful for you.
Start on the Floor: Remove everything from the closet floor. (Don't try to be sneaky and just leave that one little box there because you know what is in it.) Start on the floor so you'll have room to move in the closet. If the floor is piled with stuff, you won't be able to get into the closet. This is true for a walk-in closet or for a small closet.
Here are a