Grid of the Gods

Grid of the Gods by Joseph P. Farrell, Scott D. de Hart Page A

Book: Grid of the Gods by Joseph P. Farrell, Scott D. de Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joseph P. Farrell, Scott D. de Hart
was apparently carried away during the course of the restoration.
    Coincidentally, a “Temple of Mica” was also found to the south of the Sun Pyramid about 350 meters down the Way of the Dead, where the local guard will still let one peek through a glass panel atthe floor covered with mica slabs. Mica has two outstanding characteristics: high electrical resistance and opaqueness to fast neutrons. Hence it acts as an insulator or nuclear reaction moderator, which raises the question as to why two separate areas of Teotihuacan were covered with mica. 30
    In addition to these properties, mica may also be used in the manufacture of capacitors and as an insulator in high voltage machines.
    While mica was used in ancient times for purposes other than these modern ones, its presence in the Pyramid of the Sun, plus the structure’s possible antiquity, suggests that one may not too easily close the door on the possibility that its presence served some functional purpose. In this case, there are three possible properties:
1) as an electrical insulator;
2) as a dielectric in a capacitor; and
3) as a nuclear moderator.
    Given these choices, one may speculate that perhaps the first two usages were intended by the structure’s builders, but we will have to reserve any further commentary about this structure and its possible functional purpose for a possible future sequel on the Grid.
    Munck notes that the Teotihuacan-Giza parallelism is quite acute, for the three main pyramids of Giza, Mycerinus, Cephren, and the Great Pyramid itself, are exact analogies to the Moon Pyramid, the Sun Pyramid, and the “Quetzlcoatl” complex at Teotihuacan. 31 And both these places with their three main structures are, as most know, laid out according to the patterns of the stars of the constellation Orion’s “belt.” For our purposes, however, we make an assumption, and note one thing. The assumption - which will be argued in chapter thirteen - is that we are looking an machines designed to engineer a hyper-dimensional physics. Once we have granted that assumption, then something immediately follows: Giza and Teotihuacan are designed according to the same basic plan, that is to say, they could be coupled oscillators to each other in some fashion.
    Munck makes some crucial observations regarding the most massive structure at Teotihuacan, the Pyramid of the Sun, and these play directly into our assumptions that we are looking at “hyper- dimensional engineering.” A glance at this structure in side elevation, courtesy of the detailed line drawings of engineer Hugh Harleston, Jr., is in order.

    Hugh Harleston Jr’s Side Elevation view of the Pyramid of the Sun.
Note that all measures are given in meters. 32
    Note, says Munck, that the pyramid is deliberately offset, much like the “temples” of Tikal. 33 The offset, moreover, occurs on the level of the second terrace, and of all five terraces, only the lower two are centered. Following his method of counting faces and sides, this gives Munck the following interesting set of numbers:
1) Centered terraces:                                         2
2) Faces on one side elevation of the pyramid     6
3) Number of terraces                                        5
4) Offset faces on one side elevation               4 34
    Taking each of these numbers times π times each other, e.g., 2π x 4π x 5π x 6π yields 23,378,.18184, which translates to 19o 41’ when converted to normal degrees measures. 35 This is, of course, our first clue that we are indeed dealing with a hyper-dimensional structure, for the first of the Platonic solids, a tetrahedron, is circumscribed in a sphere, with on vertex on the rotational axis, will have the other three vertices touching at 19 degrees 47 minutes north or south latitude, depending upon which rotational pole the fourth vertex is positioned.

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