Guild Hunter 01 - Angels' Blood

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a small, curvy blonde and put his hand on her waist. She looked up, enraptured. Not surprising, given that Dmitri was wet-dream beautiful—silky black hair, dark, dark eyes, skin that spoke of the Mediterranean rather than cold Slavic climes.
    “I’m no procurer.” Raphael was openly amused. “The vampires in this room have no need of such services. Look around, who do you see?”
    She frowned, about to snap back a sharp rejoinder, when her eyes widened. There, in that corner, that leggy brunette . . . “No way.” She squinted. “That’s Sarita Monaghan, the super-model.”
    “Keep going.”
    Her eyes drifted back to Dmitri’s curvy blonde. “I’ve seen her somewhere, too. A TV show?”
    Thrown off balance, she continued to scan the room. There was a famous rugged-jawed news anchor, happily ensconced on a couch with a striking flame-haired vampire. A little to their left sat a powerhouse New York couple, majority share-holders in a Fortune 500 company. Beautiful people. Smart people.
    “They’re here by choice?” But she knew the answer. There was no hint of desperation in any of the eyes that met hers, none of the glassiness of will stolen. Instead, it was flirtation, enjoyment, and sex that filled the air. Definitely sex. The languid heat of it dripped off the walls.
    “Do you feel it, Elena?” Closing his free hand over her other arm, he held her to his chest, his lips brushing her ear as he bent down to speak. “This is the drug they crave; this is their addiction. Pleasure.”
    “Not the same,” she said, standing her ground. “The vamp-whores are nothing more than camp followers.”
    “The only thing that separates them from this crowd is wealth and beauty.”
    It stung her to realize he was right. “Fine, I take it back. Vampires and their groupies are all nice, healthy folks.” She couldn’t believe what she was seeing—the TV anchor was sliding his hand up the split in his date’s skirt, oblivious to anyone else.
    He chuckled. “No, they aren’t nice. But they aren’t evil, either.”
    “I never said that,” she retorted, eyes fixated on the excruciating pleasure on the anchor’s face as he stroked the redhead’s pale, pale skin. “I know they’re just people. My point was that—” She swallowed as another woman moaned, her vampire lover’s mouth hovering a teasing inch above the pulse in her neck, a hot whisper that promised ecstasy.
    “Your point?” He grazed his mouth over her own pulse.
    She jerked, wondering how the hell she’d ended up in an archangel’s arms—a man she’d been planning to knife in the heart. “I don’t like how the vampires use their abilities to enslave humans.”
    “But what if the humans want to be enslaved? Do you see anyone complaining?”
    No. All she could see were the lush brushstrokes of sensual play, an erotic mix of male and female, vampire and human. “Did you bring me to a damn orgy?”
    He chuckled again, and this time, the sound was warm, liquid, like melted caramel over her skin. “Sometimes they cross a few lines but this is what it seems. A party where partners may be found.”
    His hands slid up and down her arms, his breath ruffling the curling hairs at her temple. For a fleeting second, she wavered. What would it feel like to lean back, to let Rapha— Oh, Jesus. What was happening to her? “I’ve seen enough. Let’s go.” She struggled in his hold.
    He tightened it, his wings coming around to cut off her view of the room, his chest hot and hard at her back. “Are you sure?” His lips whispered over skin so sensitized, she had to fight the urge to shiver. “I have not taken a human lover for eons. But you taste . . . intriguing.”

    Human lover.
    The words unlocked her from the prison of sensory delight the Archangel of New York had spun with cool control. She was a toy to him, nothing more. After he was done, she’d be discarded like all unwanted toys. Used up. Forgotten. “Find someone else to

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