Healing Us: Sports Romance, A Comeback Uncovers Love

Healing Us: Sports Romance, A Comeback Uncovers Love by Abi Josselyn Page A

Book: Healing Us: Sports Romance, A Comeback Uncovers Love by Abi Josselyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abi Josselyn
mouth. “I’m not worried because I was tested
today and I passed with flying colors.”
    “You wouldn’t have passed had you not come up with a way to
outwit the federation.”
    “That’s right Beth, I can take a pharmacy full of drugs and
nothing would show up. PEDs are pretty easy to mask and if I have my blood
doctored every two days, I’m fine. That’s why I was nervous in Oslo because I
didn’t have the time or place to get the transfusion with all the travel.”
    “You did take PEDs before Oslo – correct.”
    “Yes Beth I took performance enhancing drugs and you won’t
say a word or I’ll do a number on your reputation and on that of your
    Beth pressed stop and Elijah hadn’t said a word as if he
knew about the recording.
    “I wish you’d realize that this will have serious
implications on your future because someday you’ll get caught. Maybe not right
away but it’ll happen. Stop taking the junk now and you may not win Olympic
gold but you’ll be able to sleep at night.”
    “Are you done preaching St. Beth. Were set – right Elijah?”
Heather asked.
    Elijah looked disgusted as he stormed out of the suite,
slamming the door.
    “Elijah knows I’m right. You should stop this craziness now.
    Beth walked into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of
tea. Hot water created steam as she filled the mug, which made her think of
being in the warm shower with Ben. Her back against the wall and his acrobatic
tongue fluttering upon her clitoris. Most men couldn’t even find the thing and
if they did they didn’t know what to do with it. Beth’s phone buzzed just in
time or she would have poured hot water on her hands.
    “I was just thinking of you,” Beth said.
    “Good thoughts I hope.”
    “Let’s just say they weren’t PG thoughts – not recommended
for younger audiences.”
    “I hear ya. Our time together was all I thought about on the
flight home. What have you been doing with your time besides reliving our time
    “Seth called a meeting and warned us that they’ll be drug
testing more than usual.”
    “Why? Did he give a reason?”
    “He said that rumors are flying and Heather didn’t bat an
    “She won’t get caught that way,” Ben said and his tone was
    “No but I got her confession on tape and tomorrow I’ll walk
into Seth’s office. I’m one step closer to getting rid of this drama in my
life. I should have this suite all to myself in a matter of days. You should
    “If I can make it happen, I will. I’m miserable without you
Beth but it gives you time to prepare and I’ll see you there no matter what.
Lizzie’s calling so I have to bounce but I just wanted to say good night and I
love you.”
    “Love you too Ben.” Beth hung up the call and sipped her tea
before bed.

Chapter Nineteen
    The workouts the next day were more serious than those
before. The tone at Apex was different because of the approaching Olympic games
and the increased drug testing. Beth’s shoulder was tapped as she signed into
the facility for drug testing, which was only an inconvenience to her because
she knew the results would be clean. For those who had even taken cold medicine
the tests would be stressful, although things like that would probably be
thrown out on the second test.
    Beth made it out on the track and started by running sprints
with Dorsey who still had the coltish look of a teenager. She was 19 and if
there were a vote taken for friendliest person at Apex, Dorsey would get it.
They ran 400’s together and worked on speed as they made their way around the
    They walked 100 meters to cool down as Heather blazed by
them. “I’m surprised the 400 isn’t your race because you have a quick start and
enough to keep up your momentum,” Beth said as she sipped water.
    “The reason that I’m not running the 400 just

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