Heels of Love (G Street Chronicles Presents From Love to Loathe Series)

Heels of Love (G Street Chronicles Presents From Love to Loathe Series) by Phoenix Rayne Page A

Book: Heels of Love (G Street Chronicles Presents From Love to Loathe Series) by Phoenix Rayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phoenix Rayne
it to an opening, and then I got the full effect of the show. There were nine men standing before us. Two were out front, and the other seven were behind tables under a big tent. One guy had a wireless microphone across his head, and his voice belted through the large speakers. He threw a fish at the man standing directly across from him and that man threw the fish at the first guy standing next to him behind the tables. All the while, the microphone man chanted, “If we drop it we buy it.”
    The first man threw the now clean fish to the second man. The second man then threw the now skin free fish to the third man. The third man sliced the fish right down the middle and threw that fish to the fourth man. The fourth man had a huge hatchet-like knife.
    Just then, I got a good look at him, and my heart stopped. Jyme was the fourth man with the big hatchet. He wore a white tank top with khaki carpenter shorts and sneakers. You could see his biceps and all of his arm muscles perfectly. He looked scrumptious. All the men wore the exact same get up, but Jyme looked hella hot.
    There was a man standing right next to him, and I saw that I knew him, too. Jyme handed Kanoke the fish, and then Kanoke did something to the fish and threw it to the next man. I knew this man, too. Loon did something else to the fish as he tossed it to the last guy. All of this happened in less than thirty seconds. There was a huge digital clock hanging over the tent above them that said so. The sign over the tent read, Samson and Son. This went on for the next four or five minutes or so. I was in awe at the performance, and I couldn’t keep my eye off Jyme.
    He finally looked up when it slowed down. He searched the crowd, and then his eyes landed on mine. He gave me a big grin and started chanting something that sounded like Poke. They sung the name repeatedly throughout the crowd. All of a sudden, a man who looked identical to all of them ran from behind the tent and took Jyme’s spot. The crowd whined and shouted, NO!!!! Jyme smiled and placed both hands over his heart. The women fucking lost it then. I hate to admit it, but I was a little disappointed for his departure as well. That was until he nodded for me to follow.
    I pushed through the crowd with Chelle and Ayashe on my heels. The guy with the mic looked us over, and then Kanoke chanted something at him. He opened the small gate for us to pass through. We went around the back and a saw a mobile home stretched out, the door wide open. As we stepped up into the mobile home, the wood grain almost blinded us. The mobile home was kickass, and it had all the trimmings. Two guys dressed in the same identical gear as everyone else sat in front of a big flat screen, playing some gaming system. Ayashe called out to one of them, and he stood and walked towards her. He hugged her and nuzzled his nose into her hair. Chelle walked over to the dining area with Ayashe. I stood in the kitchen and heard, “pissst.” I turned completely around and saw a cracked door. Then, a finger beckoned me. I went to the door and was yanked in. I was pressed against a wall, and then I felt his wet skin all over me.
    Jyme had showered and was not wearing anything but a towel. His hair was wet and wild. His hands and fingers searched for any gathering of my skin.
    “I missed you, Cricket,” he growled.
    “I missed you, too.”
    Jyme licked and sucked on both of my ears, and it drove me crazy. He squeezed both cheeks of my butt. I reached under his towel. He froze and pulled back from me. He saw that look in my eyes, and I didn’t say a word. He reached over and locked the door then led me over to the bed with him. He sat down and pulled me on top of him. I could feel him straight through the thick fluffy towel.
    I bent down to kiss him, but he drew back. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he whispered. I nodded at him, still trying to meet my lips with his. He pulled back again, and I closed my eyes, I tried to push down

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