Her Montana Man
anything more between them would be impossible. He
    needed to know she wasn’t sticking around any longer than it took to earn traveling money. But it was
    late, and he was hurting and needed his rest. Her bubble of self-delusion would burst soon enough. Until
    reality was once again her closest companion, she had this briefest of hours to dream.
    And she didn’t want to forget that kiss.

Chapter Seven
    da Harper had worked at the hotel since its construction, Eliza learned the next morning. She shared that
    she’d had a husband once, but he’d deserted her and their two small children five years ago. After she
    eked out a living in a mining camp that was eventually abandoned, her last coins had brought her this far.
    She’d been ready to foster out her children to spare them starvation when Jonas had hired her. Her
    family now lived in a sturdy little house and owned a cow and half a dozen chickens.
    “My boys go to school and then hire out to the ranchers in the fall,” she told Eliza. “Fine young men
    they’re growing up to be.”
    Eliza and Tyler had met her sons Matt and Daniel at supper the evening before. They were polite young
    fellows of eleven and thirteen who spoke respectfully to their mother and kindly to Tyler. Ada’s story
    gave Eliza hope that a woman alone could raise a boy and do well by him. Of course—and this gave her
    pause for regret—she was running from the very place and the man that had been Ada’s deliverance.
    She enjoyed tucking clean sheets around the mattresses, dusting rooms and polishing furniture that day.
    Though the tasks were simple, she was keeping busy and earning a wage. Checking her brooch at three
    o’clock, she wondered if Bonnie would miss her afternoon visit. Eliza had neglected to mention to Ada
    that she would be walking to school to collect Tyler. After looking, she couldn’t locate the woman. She
    asked Ward where she might find Jonas.
    “At his office down at the saloon, miss.”
    She had time, so she freshened up and pulled on her bonnet before strolling eastward four doors to the
    Silver Star. The green enamel batwing doors were hooked open against the exterior wall, and two
    mahogany-stained doors stood closed against the afternoon sun. Eliza Jane opened one and entered.
    She’d never been inside the Silver Star Saloon. Before Jonas had purchased and renovated the business,
    it had been a disreputable hangout, populated by drifters and no-accounts who occasionally shot up
    Main Street and often mistreated the women of ill repute who worked there.
    No sign of the past remained now as she studied the interior. Sun streaked through sparkling clean
    windows and louvered shutters, creating interesting blocks of light on the clean, polished oak floor. Three
    men sat eating at a table, and a couple others were playing cards at the back of the room.
    She’d heard how Jonas had gutted the interior and designed it to welcome respectable clientele. There
    were ladies in town who still believed any establishment that sold liquor was scandalous, but the town
    council appreciated the taxes the profitable business paid into the coffers.
    The tall, slender man standing behind the bar greeted Eliza. “Afternoon, miss. What can I get for you?”
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    “I came to speak with Mr. Black.”
    The man walked to the open end of the bar and pointed down a corridor. “Second door back there.”
    She thanked him, traveled the hall to where he’d shown her and knocked lightly.
    “C’mon in.”
    She opened the door. Jonas stood at a window, dressed as usual in dark trousers and a light blue shirt.
    He was holding the arm that rested in the sling with the opposite hand. She noted there wasn’t much of a
    view, what with a brick building next door.
    He turned. “Eliza Jane? Somethin’ wrong?”
    “No. Nothing. I forgot to mention to Mrs. Harper that I’d need to leave long enough to fetch Tyler

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