Heroes (Hollywood Heartthrobs #1)

Heroes (Hollywood Heartthrobs #1) by Kate Rivers Page B

Book: Heroes (Hollywood Heartthrobs #1) by Kate Rivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Rivers
this,” he gestured emphatically at the book. “This was not meant to be read.
This was meant to be seen. Everything I just said about how you have to read Frankenstein to really get it. Forget all that. This is something that is meant to be
looked quizzically at him, then seemed to decide. “Alright then, I won’t read
that one. But may I point out I can’t exactly go to a theater to see it staged
today. Kind of stuck here at the moment.”
smiled. “Don’t worry, I can sort that out. Just please, don’t read this one.”
but only because I owe you my life and all.” Jane laughed.
the warm and friendly conversation they were having, a spear of ice struck Dean
through the chest at those words. She still believed she was the one in his
debt. Coward! He shook his head to clear the thought away, launching back into
a discussion of the books.
              After what
felt like another minute or two, they were interrupted by the arrival of Dr.
Sorry to interrupt when you have a visitor,” she spared Dean a quick smile. “I
just wanted to check in with you quickly before I leave for the day. How are
              “Really good.
Dean, this is my neurologist, Dr. Frobisher. Dr. Frobisher, this is my friend,
              “Oh, great, I
hadn’t heard someone had come forward! So, Dean, are you able to shed some
light on our mystery patient here?”
hesitated for only a second, but Jane noticed it and jumped in to help. “Oh,
no, not like that. Unfortunately Dean and I just met. After the accident. At
the accident, actually. He pulled me away from the truck.”
              Now he had
earned a full smile from the good doctor. “Ah, right, that was in the report.
Good work, Dean, you quite possibly saved her life.”
              Only after I
nearly got her killed, he thought bitterly to himself. Outwardly, though, all
he could do was smile and give a small nod.
              Good man, Dr.
Frobisher thought. Doesn’t want a lot of fanfare. Probably going soft on her
now. Hero rescues princess, and all that. Sweet. Not to mention hot. I suppose
if you’ve got to end up in front of a truck, a sexy hero is a pretty good
consolation prize. She turned her attention back to the patient.
              “So, still
Jane then? Nothing coming back yet?”
              “Still Jane.
But otherwise great. Thank you for the suggestion about the library. As you can
see I’ve made myself busy.”
              “Good. The
scans from today came back and things look very positive. I’ll be by again
tomorrow. Have a good night. And Dean, it was very nice to meet you.”
              “You too,
doc.” It was the first thing Dean had said since she came in the room. As she
left, Dean got a look at the clock on the wall and was shocked. Dr. Frobisher
had been in the room no more than three minutes, was it really possible he’d
been here well over an hour? He looked back at Jane; she caught his stare and
smiled. A man could get lost for years in a smile like that.
              He suddenly
remembered the pizzas. “Oh, son of a…” he said.
              “What?” Jane
              “I just
realized how long I’ve actually been here.” Jane flinched, and he immediately
regretted his phrasing. “I mean, I didn’t realize how much time had passed, I
was supposed to bring dinner home.”
              “Oh. To your
brother’s?” she asked. Dean nodded.
will have my head if the boys get all hangry on her.”
Jane asked. She didn’t want to admit to herself she hoped Samantha was an aged
maiden aunt in the picture.
              “My sister.
Sister-in-law, actually. She’s Tucker and Alec’s mom. Nate, my

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