    After they were spent, he gathered her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “We should get some sleep. We rise when the sun sets.”
    She nodded and let the steady rise and fall of his chest lull her to sleep.

Chapter Ten
    When she rose at sunset, she saw the glass Tobias had left for her on the nightstand. She heard the shower running in the adjoining bathroom as she gulped the blood.
    She thought about real food such as pizza or hamburgers, wondering if she could still eat them—just for the taste. She’d have to ask Tobias about that, but something told her he’d say that was yet another thing she would have to give up.
    He walked into the bedroom, a huge, white bath towel wrapped around his middle, and smiled at her. “I’d say good morning, but in this case it’s good evening.”
    His smile warmed her. “I was just thinking, do you ever eat real food?”
    “No. The few times I tried at the beginning, it didn’t go down well.”
    “So no more coffee and toast for breakfast, or ice cream on a hot, summer day, or pizza with double pepperoni and cheese.”
    “I’m afraid not.”
    “Don’t apologize. The funny thing is, I haven’t once craved food since I turned. My appetite is kind of shot.”
    He dropped the towel and Cat ran an appreciative gaze over his naked body. She thought of another appetite she had that never seemed to run out as she stared at his taut abdomen and lower. Even in his un-aroused state, he still managed to exude a male energy that made the blood rush to her cheeks.
    He dressed in black trousers and a black silk shirt. “Cat, I have to go to my bar for a meeting. I want you to come with me.”
    She shook her head. “I’m sorry, I can’t. I was hoping to get some writing done and I wanted to call Mel.”
    “I will only be gone an hour.”
    “I’ll be fine.”
    He strode to the bed and bent down. “All right. I’ll see you in an hour.” He kissed her firmly on the mouth.
    A tug of familiarity hung in the air, as if his kissing her goodbye was something he’d done a thousand times before. Were Seraphina’s memories resurfacing?
    “Stay indoors. Don’t step foot outside. I have a private entrance I use,” he said and then left.
    She leaned back on the bed and closed her eyes. First, she would take a shower, then she would call Mel. She got out of bed and went into the bathroom. She paused before the mirror and gasped softly. Was that really her? She didn’t even have bed hair. Her skin was glowing, her teeth were chalk-white, and her lips were blood-red. She ran a shaky hand through her lustrous, blonde hair, whispering, “Unbelievable.” She’d never looked this good. Not a bad trade off for never touching pizza again, she thought with a smile. Her hand automatically went to her belly and she thought of her baby growing inside her, the best trade off of all.
    She showered quickly and after she dressed in her jeans and T-shirt, she picked up the phone.
    She heard Mel answer it on the second ring. “Hello.”
    “It’s Cat. How are you?”
    “I’m great. How is everything down there?”
    “Er, fine. I just wanted to say…hello.”
    There was a slight pause. “Cat, I know you. You don’t sound fine. What’s wrong?”
    “Nothing. I’m just tired.”
    “Start the fire, lie on the couch, and relax with a good book.”
    “Mel, I’m not at the cabin. I…I met someone and we drove to his place in Manhattan. I’m going to stay here for a few days.”
    There was a pause on the other end. “Is he a nice guy?”
    “Yes,” Cat replied automatically. With the exception of being a vampire and turning her life completely upside down, he was a nice guy. “You’d like him.”
    “When can I meet him?”
    “I’m not sure. Soon. I’m going to talk to him about his schedule. He owns a nightclub and he’s pretty busy these days.”
    “Maybe I can come down for a few days. I’m long overdue for time off.”
    “No. Er…I mean, not yet. I’m still

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