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Book: Hex by Allen Steele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allen Steele
Tags: Science-Fiction
actions—including telling lies—that would bring harm to ourselves or anyone else. So if the ambassador says we’ll find the greatest wonder in the galaxy in the danui system, then believe me when I say that we can trust himher.”
    â€œI’m not entirely sure...” D’Anguilo began, then stopped. “That is, I have certain... um, suspicions... about what may be there. But I’d rather not share them until I know for certain.”
    â€œFair enough.” Andromeda looked at Mark. “So that’s your job... to explore this new world and find out what’s there. If it’s what the ambassador says it is, then it’s worth the risk.”
    â€œYeah... or so we hope,” Sandy murmured, and Cayce shot her an angry look.
    Andromeda glanced at her watch. “All right, then... If there are no other questions, my crew and I have work to do. Montero ’s scheduled departure is forty-five minutes from now, and we’ll be making the jump at the top of the hour. You’ll need to be in your cabins by the time we leave the station and safely strapped down before we go through the starbridge. Dr. D’Anguilo...”
    â€œTom,” he said.
    â€œTom, I’d like to have you on the bridge when we make the jump. Please report to Deck One in forty-five minutes. The rest of you are at liberty until then.” Without another word, Andromeda turned to the door, slid it open, and pushed herself out into the corridor. Sean noticed that she barely glanced his way. It was as if he’d become just another passenger. Which was just as well with him.
    â€œYou heard the captain,” Cayce said, sharply clapping his hands together to get their attention. “Everyone needs to be back in their cabins in forty-five minutes. Until then, do whatever you need to do, but do it soon. That’s all. Dismissed.”
    He pushed himself toward the open door, with Mark and Sandy not far behind. Sean turned to Kyra as they started to leave. “So... you once had him as a teacher?”
    â€œUh-huh. Pretty good one, too. I learned a lot from his class.” She hung back, giving the others a few more seconds to exit the wardroom, then took his hand. “I’m a little nervous about the jump,” she murmured. “This is the first time I’ve ever done this.”
    â€œYou don’t have anything to worry about, really.” Sean had been through hyperspace before, but he had to remember that it was Kyra’s first time. Like the rest of their team, they had taken a rehearsal on the Corps simulator at Fort Lopez. It was only a facsimile of the real thing, though, and he couldn’t blame her for being anxious.
    â€œYes, well... all the same, I’d rather not be alone.” Kyra made sure no one else was listening, then moved closer to him. “I asked Sandy if she’d mind swapping cabins with Mark,” she whispered. “She said she wouldn’t. Do you think you can ask Mark...?”
    â€œI don’t think he’ll mind, either.” Sean stared at her. “But I thought we’d agreed to stay away from each other until this was all over.”
    â€œI know, but...” Her expression was pensive as she bit her lower lip. “I’m getting the feeling this isn’t going to be the usual survey mission. I mean, we don’t know anything about where...”
    â€œDon’t worry. We’ll be fine.” Another glance at the door, then he gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Of course, if you’re really serious about being comforted, we’ll have to see if two people can fit in those bunks.”
    â€œMaybe.” A fleeting smile that quickly disappeared. “I just hope you’re right,” she said, becoming solemn again. “I’m beginning to think we should have stayed in bed back home.”



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