His Reluctant Lady

His Reluctant Lady by Ruth Ann Nordin Page A

Book: His Reluctant Lady by Ruth Ann Nordin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruth Ann Nordin
you’re getting married
to a reputable young lady. That’s even better. Congratulations,
Christopher.” Turning his attention to Agatha, he added, “I’d ask
what mischief my ward conjured up to accomplish such a feat, but
I’m probably better off not knowing. At any rate, please call me
    “ Very well, Perry,” Agatha
replied, hoping she sounded pleasant enough in front of everyone.
She wondered if Christopher announced the engagement so she
couldn’t back out of it? Knowing him, he probably would do
something underhanded like that.
    “ Please sit.” Perry motioned
to the remaining chairs in the room.
    Sophie glanced around the room and sat
between Perry and Lady Roderick, leaving a settee as the only place
to sit.
    Agatha went over to it, Christopher
settling next to her. She glanced at Ethan who stared at her as if
he couldn’t believe his ears. She offered him a shrug. What could
she say? Unless she found a moment alone to confide in him, she
couldn’t explain why she decided to marry Christopher.
    “ If Christopher gives you
any trouble, just have him clean out the stalls,” Lord Roderick
said. “Or better yet, the chamber pots.”
    Christopher’s face grew red from
embarrassment. “Must you always bring that up?”
    Lord Roderick chuckled. “Well, it was
the only way to get you to behave.”
    Lady Roderick tapped her husband on the
arm. “Do you really think it’s appropriate to say that with
everyone here?”
    “ Thank you, my lady,”
Christopher told her. “Once again, my lord, your wife proves to be
your sole redeeming quality.”
    Agatha glanced at Ethan but realized he
couldn’t explain what their conversation was about. Not that it
mattered. She didn’t care why Christopher had to clean out stalls
or chamber pots, though considering what kind of person he was, she
supposed he’d do just about anything.
    “ All right,” Perry
interrupted. “Let’s keep things pleasant, shall we?”
    “ You’re right, Perry,” Lady
Roderick replied then smiled at Sophie and Agatha. “If we are to
become better acquainted, it’s only fair we refer to each other by
our first names. I’m Claire and this is my husband,
    Though Christopher had already said her
name, Agatha felt the need to say something in response. “I’m
Agatha and that’s Sophie.”
    Ethan cleared his throat and gestured
to his wife. “And this is Catherine. I don’t believe you’ve met
her, Sophie.”
    “ No, I haven’t had the
pleasure,” Sophie replied, offering Catherine a smile.
    A long moment of silence passed between
the couples before Christopher spoke up. “Agatha and I will be
married within a month.”
    She tried not to grimace. That soon?
For some reason, she thought he might want to be engaged for a
while, if for no other reason than to practice how to handle
lovemaking by seeking the services of a lady of ill
    “ You don’t waste any time
when you set your mind to something, do you?” Perry
    “ Why should I wait?”
Christopher asked, winking at Agatha. “My life will only improve
once Agatha is my bride.”
    “ A good lady can do wonders
for a gentleman,” his guardian replied.
    Agatha wondered if Perry was thinking
of Sophie when he said that. The two made a handsome couple. Yes,
she knew how to match up the right people. Pleased with herself,
she took comfort in knowing she had secured her sister’s
    The butler came into the drawing room
and announced dinner was ready. Relieved, Agatha jumped up from the
settee. Soon enough, the evening would be over.
    After the meal, Agatha
joined the ladies in the drawing room. She kept thinking of the way
she was wasting time at a dinner party when she should be at home
writing her story. There was no chance of submitting it to a
publisher as long as it remained unfinished. She wondered if
Christopher would be one of those gentlemen who spent their time
away from home. If so, then she shouldn’t have trouble

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