Holiday at Magnolia Bay (Southern Born Christmas Book 1)

Holiday at Magnolia Bay (Southern Born Christmas Book 1) by Tracy Solheim Page A

Book: Holiday at Magnolia Bay (Southern Born Christmas Book 1) by Tracy Solheim Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracy Solheim
Tags: Romance, Southern, Christmas
ignited again as Jenna’s body grew needy for another climax. She wrapped her legs around his back in an effort to pull their heated skin closer together. He dropped to his elbows as he rocked into her, all the while whispering words of encouragement—most of them X-rated and likely learned onboard a ship somewhere. She came in such a rush that caused little pinpricks of light to dance before her eyes while waves of pleasure washed over her. Drew was right behind her climaxing on a guttural moan followed by a reverent whisper that sounded a lot like her name.
    “And this one, where did you get it?” Jenna asked, her finger tracing a scar on his leg.
    Drew tried not to wince, but her touch was making him hard enough to pound nails. An uncomfortable predicament considering he’d had her twice in the past hour. After the second round—a playful romp in the shower—she’d demanded the lights be turned on so she could explore his body. Propped up against the lacy pillows lining her headboard, Drew imagined interrogations that were a lot worse than Jenna’s intense scrutiny with her eyes, fingers and, if he was really lucky, her tongue. But her sexy inventory of his battle scars was definitely taking a toll on his body. It was all he could do to lie still.
    He glanced at the inch-long white mark on his left thigh, relieved that he didn’t have to lie about that one. “Puncture wound. But it was in the third grade. My brother, Jack, gave me that one.” He left out the part about the skewer nearly severing an artery, but he lived by the SEAL’s code to keep the details to a minimum.
    “Your brother stabbed you?” Her eyes went round as her lips hovered over the long-forgotten scar.
    Drew’s mouth watered as his aching hard-on pleaded with her to move her mouth a few inches to the left. “It was an accident,” he nearly moaned as her tongue traced the tiny scar that Drew wished hadn’t shrunk during the past twenty years. “Shit like that happens among brothers all the time.” The Lanham boys were no different from other brothers growing up. Until their mother had died.
    “That’s ridiculous. Siblings don’t go around stabbing one another,” she said as she straddled him. She released a tight sigh as the sweet seam between her legs rubbed up against his arousal. “Tell me why your brother would want to hurt you?”
    He reached underneath his hoodie she’d donned after their shower and wrapped his fingers around her hips. Jenna sighed in pleasure again as she rocked against him. The image was so erotic, he could barely remember his military ID number much less the reason for the fight with Jack. “It’s not important.” He tugged the hoodie over her head, his breath catching painfully in his throat at the sight of her nude body.
    She leaned down to touch her nose to his, her index finger tracing his lips while her other hand rested on top of his hammering heart. “Don’t think I’m not on to you. You haven’t answered a single one of my questions. At least not with the truth.”
    Drew smiled in admiration. He’d avoided all of her questions with some pretty elaborate made-up crap. Most women bought the bullshit hook, line and sinker, but not Jenna. The fact that she saw through him made the game more challenging, but he couldn’t afford for her to see too much. He’d taken a great risk in coming here tonight—not to mention he felt like a douche-bag for taking advantage of her. Neither of them was complaining, however. For the first time in weeks, his muscles felt relaxed and his mind was quiet. His buddies had been right—sex was the panacea. He only hoped that one dose would be enough to last him.
    She traced a finger over his forehead. “You keep too many secrets up here.” Her guess was as accurate as a sniper’s shot. Her lips followed her finger as her warm breath fanned his heated skin. “It’s not healthy to keep that all locked up inside.”
    “Everything up there is

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