Homewrecker (Into the Flames #1)

Homewrecker (Into the Flames #1) by Cat Mason, Katheryn Kiden

Book: Homewrecker (Into the Flames #1) by Cat Mason, Katheryn Kiden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cat Mason, Katheryn Kiden
us, but it looks like it’s time to find out. I’m torn between right and wrong, between need and want. I can’t help reliving that night in my head. The way his hands felt on me, his mouth. Dixon didn’t treat me like a piece of glass, he wasn’t afraid to shatter me. My pulse quickens as we take another step and he still doesn’t look away.
    "What happened to feeling bad for what happened?"
    He waits until we're seated, making sure we're completely surrounded by people we don't know who are still standing, before he says anything. Turning to me, he presses his lips to my ear again and the heat of his breath makes my pulse flutter.
    "Don't doubt that I feel like a piece of shit, but I can't help it." Dixon's hand settles on my bare thigh and his fingers slip under the edge of my skirt. "Even though I know I shouldn't, it's hard not to want you now that I know what I've been missin’. I won’t lie and say I don’t want you, because I do.
    "I don't even know what to say to that."
    "I'm not worried about what you're going to say, Kennedy. I'm wonderin’ what you plan on lettin’ me do about it."
    I grab his hand, halting his assent up my thigh. "I don't want to hurt Gunnar." The words tumble out of my mouth before I even think about them, but it's the truth. It doesn't matter how much I want to explore how Dixon made me feel, I don't want to hurt Gunnar. Even thinking those words makes me feel like a hypocrite. I can't have both. It has to be one thing or the other, right?
    The crowd around us jumps and the screaming escalates as the players rush the field, saving me from whatever Dixon opened his mouth to say. I turn my attention back to what I'm here for: to support Gunnar and the team. I keep my eyes on the game, but I don’t need to look over to know Dixon is staring at me, I can feel the heat from his gaze.
    When halftime rolls around, and the teams disappear back into the locker rooms to regroup, I stand up and attempt to shuffle past Dixon. Grabbing my hips, he pulls me down into his lap before I have a chance to get past him. Thankfully nobody is paying attention, and even if they were, this isn't the first time I've been on Dixon's lap. Being such a close knit group has its advantages sometimes. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath when he shifts his hips under me and I feel him begin to harden.
    "Where the fuck do you think you're goin'?"
    "Bathroom," I gasp, choking on my breath as his hips shift causing his cock to roll into my ass.
    "Not alone, you aren't. I saw the shit that went down here last year. When I said you wouldn't leave my sight, I meant it."
    I roll my eyes in frustration, but stand and hold my hand out for him. There's no use fighting him on it, I know I'll lose. After making it to the bottom of the bleachers, I pull us toward the lines beginning to form, but Dixon drags me in the other direction.
    "Dixon, where the hell are we going? I have to pee!"
    When we reach the back side of the stands, he continues pulling me until we're close enough for him to spin me and pin my back against the concrete wall holding them up. His hands settle on my hips as he presses his body against me. Having him this close, knowing he's probably going to touch me more than what he is already, and knowing Gunnar is nearby makes my body tremble. My head is screaming for me to run like hell, but my body has other ideas.
    "I don't wanna hurt Gunnar either, but I can't stop thinkin’ about touchin’ you again. He's my best friend, and wantin’ you makes me feel like the biggest piece of shit in the world, but it doesn't make it go away."
    "What are you saying, Dixon?"
    Reaching up, he scrubs his hands over the dark stubble lining his jaw and blows out a frustrated breath. "What I'm sayin’ is every time I see you, I can't stop myself from imagining bendin’ you over and buryin’ my cock inside you. I wanna feel you fall apart for me again. I have to know if it was the alcohol or if it was somethin’ more than

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