Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Bella Juarez

Book: Hostile Home Front [Black Ops Brotherhood 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Bella Juarez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Juarez
Tags: Romance
sure about the whole fried turkey thing, but he had to admit, it smelled good. He watched as David fussed over the turkey in the pot.
    “Is there anything I can do to help, sir?” Gavin asked.
    “Leave,” David said shortly.
    “All right, Chief, I can do that. Let me go and say bye to the missus…” Gavin turned around to leave.
    * * * *
    “Not so fast, badass .” David growled.
    “Sir?” Gavin asked.
    “You know damn good and well what Irene is pulling here. Let me tell you something from the get-go . I don’t like it ,” David snapped.
    “I gathered as much.”
    “Amy isn’t your type and she doesn’t need all the heartache you’ll cause her. You have no idea what she’s been through. You’re not the man for her. I don’t want you seeing her and I better not find out you try and touch her. So get that shit out of your head right now. If I find out any of that happens I’ll fuck up your planet in ways you can’t imagine. Understand?” David snarled.
    “Understood, sir.”
    “Now, we’ll have a nice sit-down, and afterwards, you’re going home and forgetting Amy exists. Understand?” David commanded.
    “I hear you,” Gavin said.
    David turned back to his task, clearly unconvinced. He knew Gavin wouldn’t heed anything he had just said, but he wanted it on the record. He noticed how Amy brightened when Gavin walked into the room and son of a bitch if Gavin didn’t turn into a schoolboy when he saw her. David inwardly knew there was no way he would be able to keep them apart. Fuck! David had to think and think fast. He couldn’t stand the idea of Amy being hurt and falling apart again.

Chapter 8
    Embassy of Pakistan
    Washington, DC, USA
    November 22, 2007/0019 Zulu
    Nayyaf Bakri stepped out of the limousine that took him to the Pakistani embassy in Washington, DC. He inhaled the air around him. It was a crisp late autumn evening. He entered the building and was soon greeted by the ambassador.
    “ As-Salāmu `Alaykum ,” the ambassador said, raising his right hand to his forehead.
    “And may peace be upon you, too, my brother,” Nayyaf replied with a smile and the same salute. The men embraced.
    “How was your trip?” the ambassador asked, leading Nayyaf away from the entrance and to the private quarters of the embassy.
    “Long, as usual,” Nayyaf replied.
    “I understand you are going to Houston for a meeting with some energy companies? You must be hungry and it is almost time for dinner.”
    “Yes, I understand your cook is wonderful. That is why I came here instead of New York,” Nayyaf said.
    “Come this way. Your meeting is scheduled when?” the ambassador asked.
    “I will be leaving in the morning. Allah willing, the deposits of natural gas will hopefully prove to be most profitable for our homeland,” Nayyaf said.
    The men continued their small talk in an outer area of the living quarters. Nayyaf ate and was shown to his quarters. He quickly sent a message and then relaxed for the evening.
    This will indeed be a profitable trip…
    This trip would lay the groundwork. Nayyaf made a quick phone call to his contact in Houston and was briefed. His contact had found someone who could do exactly what they needed. It was too bad about Mummar and Abdul being imprisoned. It was worth the few hundred thousand he had funneled to them. He had been working behind the scenes to get his cousins returned home. His power as a diplomat was strong and he was making inroads with the US State Department regarding their release. He had plans for them once they were home. He was sure the Americans would eventually send them back to Pakistan. His cousins would be welcomed home as a heroes.
    Nayyaf knew that President Musharraf’s days were numbered, especially now that he was cooperating with the coalition forces. If this transfer were to be completed, it must be before the president left office. His government was plagued by scandal and the new reformist government coming in

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