Hot Blooded

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blood." He glanced
down at the terrible marks on his chest. "Carpathians heal in the ground and yet
I did not. I need to get back to full strength for the coming battle, and that
means I need to find people."
    She suddenly went still. "Not my sister or cousin." There was a warning note
in her voice.
    He grinned at her. "I do not think you have to worry. I would not risk your
wrath." He tugged playfully at her braid. "You sound so fierce."
    Juliette watched him clothe himself. It was done with a simple wave of his
hand as if he'd manufactured the clothes from thin air. His hair was neatly
brushed back away from his face and tied with a leather thong. There wasn't a
drop of water on him anywhere and his hair was dry. "Oh, that is cheating. Look
at me, I look like a drowned rat." She flipped her thick wet braid over her
shoulder. "I want to be able to do that."
    "You will," he assured. "Come here. We need to get started."
    "You aren't going to throw me over your shoulder like you did last time, are
you?" she asked suspiciously.
    He grinned at her, his teeth very white. "Well, I was thinking about it."
    "Refrain. Last time I considered getting sick all over you."
    "I am so glad you didn't." Riordan gathered her to him, holding her close,
and took to the air, shifting into his favorite form of a bird as he rose. It
was easier to fly above the canopy then to try to wind his way through the thick
branches and leaves. And he was wary of traps. They were nearing the area where
he had first heard the voice of the vampire calling to him for help. He was
certain the vampire and his human accomplices were responsible for the net that
had nearly claimed him a second time.
    Juliette laughed aloud as Riordan raced across the sky. Twice she reached
out, trying to touch a cloud, unable to resist.
This is astonishing
She felt a part of the night sky, the stars and the clouds and even the rain. It
was as though she had merged with nature. She expected to feel fear, but she
felt elation, joy, completely alive. It was every bit as wonderful as running
through the jungle in the form of a jaguar.
    Do not ever feel regret, Juliette. You will be able to shift into many
forms and effortlessly hold those forms.
    I have to tell you something
. The smile faded from Juliette's face.
Riordan caught the uneasiness rising as he followed the directions in her mind.
We have to move often. We have several homes
    He waited. It wasn't what she wanted to tell him. She was hesitant, very
unlike his bold Juliette. She carefully turned over her words, trying to
formulate the best way to get him to understand.
    Juliette. You must trust me. Just say what you need to say and trust me
to understand.
    She could see the canopy far below her. The leaves of the trees were
silver-black in the moonlight. The raindrops dazzled her eyes, glittering like
diamonds as they fell from the clouds.
We have seen terrible things from the
males. Young girls unable to shape-shift beaten and abused. Solange, Jasmine and
I vowed never to have anything to do with a man other than the necessities
    Necessities? She meant sex. Riordan felt his heart pound. Something black and
dangerous swirled in his gut. It was ugly and volcanic, and he was ashamed of
his reaction. She was telling him something terribly important, not only to her,
but to her life, and his first thought had been that the necessity was sex with
another man. He despised himself for being so petty. She was a beautiful and
sensual woman. Many men would find her attractive, and he should be proud of
her. Lifemates trusted one another implicitly. It was impossible to lie to one
another or hide anything, and as they grew to know each other better it would be
natural to spend more and more time in one another's mind.
    I am not such a man, Juliette. At my worst, I would not harm a woman or
child. It is abhorrent to me. I had no idea my returning emotions would be so
overwhelming and intense,

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