How to Be a Submissive Wife

How to Be a Submissive Wife by Jane Pearl Page A

Book: How to Be a Submissive Wife by Jane Pearl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane Pearl
her thigh as he drove.  As they came down the
drive to her parent’s home, Joe regretfully pulled her skirt down and nudged
her knees together.  “Back to the real world, Babe.”  
Their children spilled out of the front door as they parked in front of the
house.  Smiling at each other, they climbed out the car and greeted their
    A few weeks
later, Sarah was walking down the hallway of the bank.  She’d just brought
lunch to Joe.  She could feel his cum dripping down her thighs even though
she’d attempted to clean up after their interlude.  She was surprised to
see Cecilia leaving her husband’s office.  She looked flustered, her hair slightly tousled and her color high.  Sarah
looked at her in puzzlement.  “Hello Cecilia.  What brings you to the
office during the day?”   To her surprise, Cecilia blushed and said,
“Stan wanted me to bring him lunch today…so I just dropped it off.” 
“Hmmm….”  Sarah looked at her in amazement.  “I didn’t know that you
do such errands for him.”  Cecilia glanced down and then up at Sarah
through her lashes.  “I didn’t used to but Stan has been making…demands of
me…changes in my behavior…and if I don’t comply there are…consequences.” 
Comprehension dawned on Sarah’s face.  “So he really did it!”  Grabbing Cecilia’s elbow Sarah said, “Walk with me so we can talk.”  
An unusually subdued Cecilia nodded her head and accompanied Sarah down the
    “So, did he
give you How to Be a Submissive Wife ?”  Cecilia shot her a surprised glance and then
looked down and nodded sharply.  “Are you reading it?”  Again Cecilia
nodded.  Sarah placed her hand on Cecilia’s arm in compassion.  “Do
you have any questions?  Joe and I have been in a Domestic Discipline marriage
for a few months now so I am pretty experienced in these matters.” 
Cecilia started to talk and then stopped.  “So…do you find that you are
actually turned on by being disciplined?”  Her cheeks blazed bright red
with this question.  “Yes, since we’ve started this way of life I’m wet
most of the time.”  Sarah smiled sheepishly.  “Good thing too since
Joe enjoys playing with my body throughout the day.  Why do you think he
had me bring his lunch to the office today?  He doesn’t like to miss his
lunchtime play session.”  With these words, Sarah rolled her
eyes.   Cecilia looked relieved.  “Does Joe let you come?”  “Most of the time, unless I’m being punished.   He
doesn’t allow any orgasms outside of his presence though.”  Sarah replied.
looked frustrated.  “Stan is only allowing me a few orgasms a week though
he gets to come once or twice a day.”  She sputtered.  “It isn’t
fair!”  “Does he say why he is limiting your orgasms?”  Sarah
inquired.  “He says that he is looking for certain behavioral and physical
changes before he will allow me to come more often.”  “Like what?” 
Sarah’s brow furrowed.  “Cecelia’s cheeks pinked up again.  “He wants
me to gain some weight.  He says that he doesn’t like fucking a bag of
bones.  He’s limited me to exercising only three days a week and I have to
eat regular meals.  I’ve already gained three pounds!”  Sarah looked
her up and down.  She now noticed that Cecelia looked a little softer and
rounder.  It looked good on her.  “How much does he want you to
gain?”  “ About ten
pounds.   I’ve had irregular periods for years and the doctor says
it is because I am too thin.  We want to have children so Stan has decided
that if I have more body fat our chances of conceiving will increase.” 
    Sarah’s face
softened.  “It sounds like Stan has your best interests at heart.” 
She smiled at Cecilia.  “In order to succeed in a Domestic Discipline
marriage you need to have faith in your husband’s judgment about what is best for you.  Once you
surrender yourself to his will, you will

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