I Love My Secret (Nicole's Erotic Romance)

I Love My Secret (Nicole's Erotic Romance) by Sabrina Lacey Page A

Book: I Love My Secret (Nicole's Erotic Romance) by Sabrina Lacey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sabrina Lacey
like in the cave man days. I’m all about it and I shiver as he fills
me again and again, each time giving a little tug. All the while biting my neck
in the slowest most sensual way.
    “Baby, Nicole… you’re so tight. So wet. I could
just fuck you all night long,” he groans against my skin.
    “Then why don’t you,” I moan.
    He pushes in deeply, and I reach back and turn on
the water, cupping some in my hand and smearing it on his chest like its paint.
He flinches at the cold and his eyes get hot and smoldering. I do it again,
more water this time. He reaches back to the running faucet and takes some of
his own, wipes it down the length of my back, grasping me and sliding around as
his tongue touches mine and his cock presses in and out of me. I kiss him from
a place I’ve never come from before, in a way that makes him growl hard into my
mouth. His cock slams fuller. He grabs onto my ass, then my thighs, licking my
tongue as he rams me faster, smooth and skilled… pulling almost all the way out
every time, before he slides back in me. I sigh and moan against his mouth.
    Feeling needed like this, the way he looks at me,
pulls and tugs at me – it makes me not want him to pull out. I don’t want
to separate or be left. “I want to feel you come, Jason. I want to feel
you…don’t pull out, okay?” I whisper against his lips, my eyes looking into his
as he fucks me.
baby… I’m not wearing a condom…”
    I smile against his lips. “I know. I want to feel
you splashing inside of me. Won’t that feel good?”
    He blinks some more and slows down the motions a
bit… pulling his head back so he can see me better. “Are you on the pill?”
    I nod. Isn’t everyone? But he isn’t convinced. He
slows to a stop and says, “Nicole… I’m sorry. I can’t. I just… I can’t do
    “Why?” I ask, getting pissed.
    “Because what if …”
    “What if I’m lying? You don’t trust me?” I’m
wondering if I should push him out of me or not.
    “I trust you… it’s just that…” he flounders for a
better answer.
    “Jason! How long have you known me? Do you really
think I’d try and make you be a father by design? You know me better than that.
Get off of me.”
    He pulls out and looks sheepish. “I’m sorry. It’s
just, you women go crazy sometimes and want kids and…” His dick is deflating.
As it should.
    “I’m not having kids without a father at least
wanting to be around!” I pull my busted robe over my body and shake my head and
finger at him as I walk to the living room. “You’re crazy. I just wasn’t
feeling the pulling out thing and since we have a no-condom agreement…”
    “…Well, yeah. We only use condoms with other
people. We’ve been hooking up for a long time,” he says, following me, pulling
up his pants and leaving them half-zipped.
    “Yeah! Which means you should know that I’m not
lying about being on the pill! People who think you’re lying are usually liars,
themselves. So… are you lying about using condoms with other women?” I demand.
Then I see his half-open fly. “And zip that fly up. You think we’re going to be
using it again? You must be out of your mind.”
    He zips it as he argues, “Yes. I use a condom with
other women. I’m not stupid.”
    I search his eyes. He lets me, so he appears to be
being honest with me. My gut tells me he’s not lying, and my gut is usually
right. “Okay. I’ll believe you. But you know the deal – if you don’t use
a condom with someone else, you have to tell me. So I can use one the next time
we fuck. You promise?”
    He steps up and stares at me, so I know he isn’t
blinking or looking away… in other words, lying. “Promise. You wanna go again?”
    “No! Get out of here. The mood is gone. Now don’t
look at me like a boy who got his cookie taken away. You did this to yourself.
I’ll see you again, don’t worry.”
    He smiles, “Promise?” He sure is cute.
    I give him a little peck.

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