Ice Shock

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Book: Ice Shock by M. G. Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. G. Harris
everyone comments on how grown-up she looks for a sixteen-year-old? Camila thought that she was at least twenty. I’d guess Camila was probably right .
    Luckily, I haven’t told Ollie everything. I didn’t tell her about my secret blog. I didn’t tell her what really happened in Mexico. What she does know has already gotten me into trouble. Not just me but the Mayas of Ek Naab .
    What it comes down to is this: I let those pages of the Ix Codex fall into enemy hands, so it’s up to me to get them back .
    I’m going to do that. I’m the only one who can. Ollie doesn’t know that I know. She won’t suspect. The hunter will become the hunted .
    I know it’s dangerous—I’m not a complete idiot. Which is why you’re reading this—the only record of this Web address is on the letter I left for you. I’ll keep blogging here when I can. Right until the last minute, I promise .
    Mom, I really hope you never read this .

    It’s the last day of the semester, so we finish school at midday. I pick a random school computer on which to post the “Dear Mom” entry to my new ultra-secret blog. I know it’s going against what I promised to Montoyo.
    But this is for my mom. I mean, there’s a line even I won’t cross. She deserves to know the truth about what’s happened to me, if anything goes wrong.
    I write the Only To Be Opened If Something Bad Happens letter to my mom and tuck it away at the back of my locker. I walk to the bus stop. My plan is almost ready to hatch. I’ve written the messages to Mom; all that’s left is to say good-bye. And to make one very difficult phone call to Ek Naab.
    When I arrive home, Mom’s already packed for her retreat; her coat is on and she’s standing by her suitcase, ready to go.
    â€œYou’re sure you won’t come?”
    â€œThanks, but no.”
    Mom looks sad yet resigned. “I spoke to Tyler’s mother. Everything’s fine. She’s expecting you for supper tonight.”
    I give a disappointed look. “Oh … sorry, I should have mentioned. Tyler and I aren’t getting along too well. That’s why I was kind of hoping to stay with Emmy …”
    â€œHonestly, Josh.” Mom makes an irritated clucking sound. “I don’t have time to change things. I’m really not sure about you staying with a girl …”
    â€œCouldn’t you please just tell Tyler’s mom for me?”
    She pauses. “What about Emmy’s mom?”
    â€œI’ll sort that out.”
    I’m not sure whether mom is going to agree, and I’m starting to get pretty worried. I can’t just fly off to Ek Naab if mothers all over Oxford are waiting for me with soup. Luckily, Mom seems in too much of a hurry to argue.
    â€œOkay, fine,” she says reluctantly. “I’ll take my cell phone, but it’s better if you send me a text before you call. That way I can arrange a place to talk where I won’t disturb anyone else.”
    â€œWill do.”
    â€œI’ll be back for Christmas Eve. And we’ll go to that hotel you like.”
    I manage a weak smile. “Great!”
    With a last regretful look, Mom hugs me tightly, whispering, “I love you, Josh” into my ear. She marks a cross on my forehead and kisses me. For a couple of seconds, I feel agaping hole open up somewhere deep inside me, and it fills with fear and guilt. I hug her back, trying to ignore it.
    â€œYou won’t do anything stupid?”
    I can’t speak, so just shake my head and swallow. I watch her get into her car and drive away.
    And then I’m alone.
    I go upstairs, take a few deep breaths; then on my Ek Naab phone, I call Montoyo.
    â€œJosh! It’s great to hear from you!”
    Montoyo’s voice sounds warm and confident. He tells me that the transcription and translation of the Ix Codex is all finished. Blanco Vigores has worked

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