In Your Arms

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Book: In Your Arms by Becky Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becky Andrews
up, you two. Yell it to the entire school, why don’t you? So will you come with me this Friday or not?” Sam said, looking around to make sure no one else had heard.
    “Of course we’ll come,” Alex answered for the both of them. “But the real question is, are you coming to the ice rink?”
    “Yes, of course. I love ice skating.”
    “I know, but are you going to bring anyone?” Alex hinted.
    “I was thinking about bringing Benjamin,” Sam teased.
    “No, really, did you ask him or not?” Alex became impatient.
    “Calm your horses. Yes, I asked and yes, he’s coming.”
    Alex gave a little squeal.
    Sam raised her eyebrows at her friend, who sounded ridiculous squealing like a little girl in the hallway.
    “Only you, Al,” Sam laughed as they made their way to first period Pre-calculus.
    * * *
    “I can’t believe it’s already time for Bio,” Alex commented that afternoon.
    “I know, the day has gone by fast,” Michael said, his hand around her waist.
    “Oh, God, you two go ahead,” Sam said.
    “What?” Alex said.
    “Nothing, lovebirds, I’ll just be a minute. I’ll catch up with you guys in class.” Sam couldn’t bear to be around them anymore today. She had to admit she was a little jealous.
    “Don’t be late!” Alex warned.
    “I won’t. Don’t worry so much.”
    Alex and Michael made their way toward room 324 as Sam lingered back a little. She was happy for her friend, but sometimes felt out of place when the two went all lovey-dovey on her.
    “Hey, Sam, someone feeling like a third wheel?”
    Sam turned around to see Phillip walking behind her. “Hey, I thought you would be walking Tracy to class.”
    “I haven’t seen her today. And I don’t always walk her to class,” he retorted.
    “Uh, Phillip, yes you do.”
    “No, just last week, I showed Michael to the classroom.”
    “Yeah, and Tracy was lagging behind you.”
    “Well, it’s more her than me. I didn’t even know she was behind me.”
    “Uh-huh, how do you not know that your girlfriend is behind you—especially with one like Tracy?” The minute the words came out of her mouth she regretted saying them. Why couldn’t she hold her tongue? Or better, why couldn’t she think before she spoke? “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.”
    Phillip smiled. “It’s okay, Sam. I know she can be a little overbearing sometimes.”
    “Sometimes?” There she went again. “Oh, God, I did it again.”
    Phillip couldn’t help but laugh a little. “You ready for Ms. Hatchet?” Phillip said, obviously sensing their joint discomfort talking about Tracy.
    Sam eyed him. How did he know? How could he sense that she wanted to change the subject? How did he always know what to say, and when to say it? Sam smiled at Phillip. “Ready as I’ll ever be,” she retorted.
    Phillip opened the door and Sam walked into the classroom, taking her usual seat in the back next to Alex.
    “I almost forgot. I have your notebook,” Phillip said, sitting down in front of Sam.
    “Oh, great, thanks,” she said as she grabbed the notebook. Phillip pulled it back just as she was about to grab it. “Come on, Phillip. Give it to me.”
    “Why? What will I get in return?” Phillip said.
    Why was he playing with her? Why couldn’t he just hand her the notebook? What did he expect to get?
    Sam paused for a minute, unsure what exactly he meant. “Well, I’ll give you—”
    “Ms. Baker and Mr. Corinodi, you are talking after the bell has rung. Get your things and go to detention immediately.”
    Sam heaved a big sigh, took the purple slip from Ms. Hatchet and began to make her way out the door, closely followed by Phillip. They walked to detention in silence. Sam wasn’t sure what she was going to say in reply to Phillip’s question.
    Sam opened the door to detention. “Hey, Mrs. H.”
    “Sam, what are you doing here? I thought you were trying to stay out of trouble in Ms. Hatchet’s class.”
    “Don’t look at me,” Sam said,

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