Into the Wildewood

Into the Wildewood by Gillian Summers Page B

Book: Into the Wildewood by Gillian Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gillian Summers
customers. Weird. In Colorado, the furniture shop had always been crowded with people. The lane outside was filled with tourists, and Lulu’s shop next door rang with laughter, but in Heartwood, the only movement came from Knot, who lounged sideways on the counter, grooming the stuffed unicorn he’d stolen from Lulu’s shop.
    “I hope Dad makes you get a job to pay for that.” Keelie dropped the mail next to him. “So, did Dad leave you in charge?”
    To a mundane walking by, Knot probably seemed like any ordinary shop cat. Knot meowed, a sweet cry that ended on an up note as if he were asking a question.
    “No mail for you, Knotsie.”
    She reached out to pet him. He swatted at her, claws extended, and she pulled her hand back just in time. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to take the ’ittle kitty’s toy away from him.”
    Knot growled.
    “Love you, too. Not.” She laughed at her lame pun. Knot didn’t seem to think it was funny, although who could tell with cats? And that’s when she saw the white cat curled up in the doorway that led to the back room.
    Her father walked into the shop, trailing oak leaves. He leaned heavily against one of the posts of the open display floor and lifted a shoe to peel off a leaf that was stuck to the sole. “Keelie, glad you’re here. I need your help … ”
    He stopped talking as he got a good look at her. His gaze trailed down from the top of her head to the tip of her gold curlicued toes. The edges of his mouth twitched. “I see you’ve got a new job, but where? I don’t recognize the, er, outfit.”
    “At the Steak.” She pointed to her jersey-cow-printed vest. Then she moved her index finger to her vampire cape. “On a Stake.”
    He snorted, but swallowed before the guffaw that was building escaped and, instead, coughed into his fist. “I’m very proud of you for working so hard to repay me for your boots, but I’m also going to need your help here. Until I hire a helper, you’ll have to fill in.”
    “After work? No way.” Keelie protested out of principle. She’d suspected he’d need her, but she’d thought she’d have at least a few days to herself before she had to dive into the world of wood. She gritted her teeth. On the other hand, if she didn’t fight this, then maybe she’d have more time to herself when Laurie arrived.
    “Okay, fine. You can tell me the details later.” Keelie shoved her leotard and yoga pants under the counter. “Do you mind if I leave these here? I’m late.”
    “Sure.” Dad sounded tired. “Thanks for not making a fuss. And good luck with the job.”
    “It’ll be a piece of—steak.” The job would be easy, if not for the humiliating costume. She waved goodbye and stepped onto the lane, immediately sinking ankle deep in oak leaves. Branches rustled above her and a few more leaves drifted down, as if the trees were laughing at her.
    She tossed a stern look upwards, then headed to work, shuffling her feet to keep the acorns to the sides of her flimsy-bottomed shoes. It would be treacherous to walk normally around here. The hidden acorns were like marbles.
    Knot sat at the shop door watching her dance through the acorns. Keelie frowned at him. “Laugh it up, fuzzy. And don’t even think of coming with me.”
    He blinked up at her in kitty eye Morse code. She knew the cat. He meant, “Can, will, and you can’t stop me.”
    She ignored him and hurried toward the food court area, walking as fast as she could while trying not to slip. He kept pace with her, and she noticed that people pointed at them. “That’s right,” she muttered. “No one’s ever seen a vampire cowgirl and her strange kitty bodyguard before. Stand in awe, tourists.”
    The Steak-on-a-Stake booth was in the King’s Food Court, along with about twenty other colorful food vendors all squashed together. It was very much like the booths in the Enchanted Lane, except for the delicious smell of all kinds of different food.
    Keelie’s stomach

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