Isela's Love
eyes boring into hers, he spoke quietly, but in a tone that made the hairs on Isela’s neck stand on end.
    “I will not tolerate it, Isela. If you allow that man to touch you, you’ll sentence him to death. Do you understand me?”
    Isela nodded, afraid for herself, but more afraid for Brendan.

Chapter Ten
    Mae was pacing up and down the hallway when Isela returned to her room. Mae rushed up to her, flinging her arms around her friend.
    “Omigod, omigod, omigod,” Mae chanted. “I was so scared. Everyone said you and the new boy had a problem. What did he do to you?”
    Isela hugged Mae back, shushing her, trying to get her to calm down.
    “Let’s go inside,” she said, glancing around.
    Mae followed her in, flopping down on Isela’s bed, wringing her hands. Isela sat down next to Mae.
    “Mae, I’m fine,” Isela lied.
    Her heart raced and her mouth was dry. Every time she thought about Brendan, her mind wandered back to her visions. She felt hot all over.
    “So, tell me about the new boy,” Mae said.
    “He’s a man, Mae, not a boy.”
    Mae looked at Isela, puzzled. “Okay, he’s a man. What did he do to you?”
    “He didn’t do anything. He defended me. He stood up to the supe and told her to let me go.”
    Mae blew out a breath.
    “What?” Isela asked.
    “ tell me. You had this weird, dreamy smile on your face when you said that. Are you all right?”
    Isela shrugged. “I don’t know. It was nice to have someone speak up for me for a change...Oh my God, Mae. He got his ass kicked for it. We have to find him. I need to find out where his cell is.”
    Isela jumped up. “I have to get into the kitchen.”
    “No, no way. You’re in enough trouble. Why do you need to go back into the kitchen?”
    I need to get some towels...and something to clean his wounds.”
    Mae stood up. She stepped in front of Isela, grabbing her hands. “Isela,” she said softly. “Stop. What are you doing?”
    Tears filled Isela’s eyes. “I had a vision, Mae. Just like before. Red haze and everything. I couldn’t save my mother, but I will save him.”
    Mae tried to hug her but she pulled away. “Please Mae, help me. I know it doesn’t make sense, but I need you to trust me.”
    Mae nodded, dropping Isela’s hands. “I’ll go to the kitchen. You stay here. I’ll get the things you need and I’ll find out where the new man’s cell is.”
    “His name is Brendan.”
    Mae nodded again. “Stay here, Isela. I’ll be back.”
    Brendan dabbed at the cut above his eye. The prehistoric mirror in his tiny cell barely allowed him to see his face, which he guessed was a good thing based on how much it hurt. He didn’t think his ribs were broken, but they were definitely bruised.
    Nothing like drawing attention to himself on day one. “You’re supposed to be undercover, dumbass,” he said to his warped reflection. Why had he opened his mouth? He knew why. He couldn’t help himself.
    When he saw that girl, Isela, he couldn’t look away. Her unusual aquamarine eyes revealed so much, her strength, her suffering, her fear, and her confidence. She was a soldier...and she was the most beautiful sight Brendan had ever seen. Something he did made her drop those plates. He couldn’t just stand by and let that Neanderthal woman drag her away. He had to say something.
    Then when that sadistic son of a bitch Guarros hit her, something snapped inside of Brendan. His heal-all attitude was suddenly replaced by a killer instinct. He hadn’t even felt Guarros’ blows, his rage had run so hot.
    When she’d given him those looks, her beautiful eyes begging him to stop, his heart constricted, causing him physical pain. He would have done anything to ease that look.
    A loud pounding on the outer door made him jump.
    “Who is it?” he yelled.
    “It’s me, Isela...from earlier,” came a muffled voice from the other side of the door. The cells weren’t locked at this time of day on this block so

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