Jo's Journey

Jo's Journey by S. E. Smith

Book: Jo's Journey by S. E. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. E. Smith
side to help Ricki. He reached them before Jo did and scooped the small figure out of Ricki’s arms, calling for Shavic in his comlink even as he turned back to the warship. Both human and Kassisan warriors paused briefly to move out of his way as he strode the loading ramp. Shavic had met him at the entrance. One look at the small human and he knew the female was badly injured. He could only hope that Shavic could save her.
    If that wasn ’t enough, his security team discovered another interloper who was caught taking pictures from behind a clump of bushes as the drama unfolded. From what K’tar had learned so far and relayed to him, the female was a reporter for the Orlando Sentinel. She refused to say another word except to repeat over and over that she had a right to be there as a reporter. It was three o’clock in the morning! Manota didn’t know why the blasted female wasn’t asleep as was the custom of most of the humans.
    Now, he watched as his Chief of Security leaned over a figure that he had trapped under him. Manota bit back a curse. What the hell now? Another reporter? Jo said it could have been worse, it could have been a member of their law enforcement agencies. She said even with pictures, a reporter can be looked at like a quack with people believing they would do anything for a story. Now, a law enforcement agent would be bad. People believed them.
    He was about to call out again, when the figure suddenly shifted, tossing Kev over his shoulder. As he turned, Manota could see the clear evidence that the figure was a female and not a male. The other thing he noticed was the figure was drawing a weapon from behind her back. Manota didn’t think, he raised his laser pistol, switched it to stun, and fired. Kev rose swiftly and caught the figure as it crumpled.
    Kev looked grimly at Manota. “The female identified herself as a law enforcement agent. I was not expecting her to be able to fight the way she did.”
    Manota looked at his friend in disbelief. “After knowing my Jo and all of these… these….” Manota swept his arm out to encompass the entire human crew. “Humans? I am beginning to believe anything can happen!” He growled out before he stepped closer and looked behind him. “To tell you the truth, some of the females make me nervous,” he muttered watching as Shakira the Strong walked by carrying a large bundle of thick rope.
    Kev shifted the unconscious figure in his arms. “We cannot leave her,” he said, his body stiffening in surprise as he gaze down at her. “I won’t leave her.”
    “ Jo said it would not be good if a law enforcement agent saw us. Secure her in the detention cell with the reporter. I hope to the Gods we do not have any more unexpected visitors,” he growled out in frustration. “And Kev,” he called out as the other man started toward the warship.
    “ Yes, my lord?” Kev asked, pulling the figure in his arms protectively against his body as he turned to look at his commander and friend.
    Manota tiredly rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “Don’t tell Lady Jo about either female,” he requested. He had a bad feeling his mate would not be happy to learn they were taking two additional passengers who obviously were not willing. “I think it best to… keep this information to ourselves for the moment,” he added.
    Kev bowed his head before turning and walking up the ramp. He had no problems keeping this little problem quiet. He looked down at the rounded curve of the female ’s cheek as it lay against his chest. Perhaps he could find a more comfortable place for her to stay, like his own living quarters. A satisfied smile came to his lips even as he called out to one of the warriors working the security detail to have a group do a thorough sweep of the area in case there were others hiding.
    Manota slipped into the bed next to Jo. He couldn’t resist pulling her slumbering form closer, not that he had to do much pulling. The moment she

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