Kiss Me, Katie

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Book: Kiss Me, Katie by Monica Tillery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monica Tillery
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Young Adult
exactly what I want, Caro. Until we get the buses checked out, until we have an idea of what we’re dealing with here, I don’t feel comfortable having her exposed to danger. I can’t stay with her myself, so this is the only way we can be sure she’s okay. I don’t think I’ll be able to concentrate any other way.”
    “Do you want to pull someone from the security detail or find an outside firm? You don’t think there’s some kind of conspiracy or inside job, do you?” Caroline bit her lip and looked like she was trying to disguise her amusement.
    “I’m a reasonable man,” Blake said with a laugh, his eyes dancing. “If we have someone on staff already who we can pull for Katie, that would be fine.”
    “I’ll go check with the head of security and see if someone can be spared for the special Katie McCoy security detail.” She smiled indulgently. “Do you want to tell her yourself?”
    “I’ll call her if you can find someone for her. And stop laughing at me, this is serious.” Blake balled up a piece of paper and tossed it at Caroline.
    She deflected the paper. “I know, I know, this is important. I’m just not used to this side of you. I’ve never seen you care for someone like this, and I’ve certainly never seen you so protective of anyone before. Katie must be a very special girl.”
    “She really is.”
    Blake picked up his phone to call Katie and Caroline left to meet with the head of security.
    • • •
    Katie put thoughts of the bus and the police out of her mind as she tried to relax in her dressing room before the show. Her hair and makeup team was hard at work transforming her for the night, and they seemed to sense that Katie wasn’t in a chatty mood. They worked quietly as Katie took deep breaths and willed herself to focus on the show and forget about the negative energy surrounding her. There was extra security at the buses, and they hadn’t heard about any trouble since the morning. Katie was as safe as she was going to get and there was nothing more anyone could do right now. The vandal had ruined her morning, no use in letting him — or her — ruin her band’s show tonight, too.
    Caroline knocked on her dressing room door and poked her head inside. “Ms. McCoy? I know you’re busy getting ready, but I just need to quickly introduce you to your new security guard. Do you have a moment?”
    “Sure, come on in,” Katie answered.
    Caroline breezed into Katie’s dressing room on a cloud of subtle perfume and competency, her expensive-looking high heels clacking on the concrete floor. An imposing, handsome blond man dressed in a perfectly pressed charcoal grey suit stood behind her, stoic and serious behind wire frame glasses. He looked vaguely familiar to Katie and she tried to place him, coming up short until Cara and Tiffany started giggling. He was the gorgeous security guard they had been swooning over a couple of days ago.
    “Did Mr. Jackson speak with you already about how you would have your own security until the vandalism problem is cleared up?” Caroline asked.
    Katie nodded and Caroline continued. “This is Jonathan James and he’s been assigned to you. He will just be watching over you and making sure that any threats against you are contained. We’d like to ask you to exercise caution, you know, be a little more aware of your surroundings and let Jonathan know immediately if you notice anything out of the ordinary.”
    “I will, but having a personal bodyguard seems a little extreme.” Katie managed a nervous smile.
    “I’m sure it’s overkill, but Mr. Jackson feels very strongly about making sure that you are safe. Feel free to call me if you have any questions.”
    With that, Caroline left Jonathan alone with Katie, Cara, and Tiffany, her footsteps fading as she made her way through the venue.
    “So, should I call you Jonathan or Mr. James?” Katie gave the serious man a winsome smile.
    “Jonathan is fine, ma’am. We’ll be spending a lot of

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