Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05]

Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05] by Kailin Gow, Kailin Romance Page B

Book: Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05] by Kailin Gow, Kailin Romance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow, Kailin Romance
surveillance camera
had picked up on him, he was dressed down, blending into whatever culture and
country he was in. Mostly in non-descript shorts and t-shirts. I’ll send you a virtual
postcard with his face in a crowd. He’s the third from the left edge. Third
from the bottom edge. And we’ll make it easy for you to get a license to carry
weapons. You will need one just in case. These guys mean business so if you
have to defend yourself against them, you will at least be equipped.”
    “That would
help,” I said dryly.
we need you to stay alive, Nat. You are providing a great service to your
country and internationally. Your genius and expertise is rare. We will take
good care of you, no doubt. Are you fine with your new identity?”
wasn’t at first, but things are getting better,” I said.
good you’re blending in and adjusting,” Lamar said. “It makes your cover
am definitely blending in,” I said, not mentioning how I was able to visit
Summer at the Pad without her seeing me.
blend in, and before you know it, you will be a new person, safe to roam
anywhere you want to go. Beats having you sent to a witness protection program
or get accompanied by security men all the time”
Lamar,” I said. “In case you didn’t know, I moved out of the dorm and into my
own condo for safety’s sake.”
know,” Lamar said. “That was fine. Like I said, being in your situation you’re
free to roam and live life as you once did, but only as your new identity.
Moving to a condo is your own choice, and at least you can have privacy again,
instead of being at the dorm. Good thinking, Nat. Now if you’ll excuse me, I
have to go. Until next time!”
next time,” I said hanging up.
soon as I ended the call, another call came through. “Hey Nat, there’s been a
breakin at the Academy.”
idea who was behind it?” I asked.
that’s why I’m checking it out.”
any men with you?” I asked, meaning some of our security men from Donovan
when we get the entire place wired for a new security system installation. You
should be there to get your fingerprints scanned so you are cleared in the
worry,” I said. “I’ll find a way to handle that.”
yourself,” Drew said. “Anyways, I got some news about Summer…she’s been hanging
out with a guy who seem a bit mysterious. A classmate of hers. Don’t know how
far into this relationship she’s been, but they are moving fast.”
concern yourself with who she is dating or seeing, Drew. It’ll drive you crazy.
Just make sure she’s fine, and if the guy isn’t for her, she’ll figure that out
taking this all pretty calmly.” Drew said.
isn’t any other way I can take it right now.”
well, I hope to see you soon, Bro.”
too,” I said.
the call ended, I breathed a sigh of relief. Drew didn’t suspect a thing.

    D rew called me
the following day after my weekend helping Cooper film.
he said. “I want you to know, there’s been a breakin at the Academy, and I
think the security system we installed had been compromised. I’m heading there
to check it out. I thought you should know.”
go with you,” I said. After all, Aunt Sookie’s Academy was my responsibility.
“Thank you for telling me.”
know you’re busy and all, and that you have other things on your mind, so I
wanted to take care of this for you, Summer,” Drew said. “But if you want to
come out to the Academy, that’s up to you.”
go,” I said. “I’ll see you there in 15 minutes.”
Drew said. “See you there.”
quickly changed into jeans, a tank top and my leather jacket, grabbed my purse
and keys, and headed out to my SUV. Thanks to it being late at night,

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