Leaving Independence

Leaving Independence by Leanne W. Smith

Book: Leaving Independence by Leanne W. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leanne W. Smith
larger issues that might arise.
    “Anyone in Company A with an issue should report it first to Gerald Jenkins, who’ll bring it to me as needed,” said Dotson. “If we have to put something to a vote, having a train leader and four company leaders gives us an uneven number.”
    “What difference does that make?” Jacob whispered to Charlie.
    “Think about it, Jake.”
    “Oh. I get it.”
    Company B’s leader was Rudolf Schroeder. Abigail recognized him as one of the burly men she had seen talking to Hoke at the horse corral. “The Schroeder family is the largest family we have on the trip,” explained Dotson. “They’re from Pennsylvania. How many of you in all, Rudy?”
    “Twenty-one, including my mother, Inez, who just turned seventy.” Rudy Schroeder’s scratchy voice didn’t quite match his exterior. There was more cheering. Inez Schroeder, who wore small round glasses on the end of her nose, stood up and waved.
    Several barefoot children ran by and Melinda leaned toward Abigail. “Those are the Schroeder children.”
    “They won’t go barefoot on the trip, will they?”
    “I won’t be surprised if they do. They’re wild as bucks.”
    Abigail thought the children weren’t the only folks at the gathering who looked wild as bucks—in fact, several looked like the type to have taken her money. Some had simple farm wagons with homespun cloth coverings on top. Abigail had bought the best linseed-oiled coverings for her wagons that she could find. That was what Robert and her father would have done. She had spent nearly everything on supplies for this trip. She had even insisted on paying Hoke more than he had agreed to for his mules and horses.
    Abigail saw now how naïve she had been, and how naïve not to have hidden her money better. The possibility of theft had never occurred to her. She felt deeply aware of her dependence. She was dependent on Mrs. Helton, dependent on God’s grace . . . and ever more dependent on the husband she was traveling toward . . . the husband who had abandoned them.
    “Company C will be led by Hoke Mathews. Hoke is a former scout for the cavalry and served as a US Marshal in Colorado Territory, along with James Parker, also in Company C.”
    Hoke raised his arm but didn’t hop up on the wagon as the others had. James Parker was the tall, bearded gentleman standing next to Hoke, judging from the reaction of the other men, who suddenly sized the two up with visible appreciation.
    Mathews . . . where had she heard that name before?
    Jacob slapped Charlie’s arm. “I told you he looked like a sheriff!”
    “He wasn’t a sheriff, Jake. He was a US Marshal.”
    “That’s even tougher.”
    Corrine elbowed Jacob. “Shush!”
    Abigail frowned and the children quieted but continued to trade threatening stares. Lina crawled into Abigail’s lap.
    “Other families in Company C are the Baldwyns, Austelles, Dr. Isaacs, Mrs. Atwood, the Becketts, and Tam Woodford.”
    So . . . they were in Hoke’s company. Abigail was glad. Now she understood why Dotson and Jenkins had been so eager to have him join the trip. She, too, would sleep a little easier knowing his wagon was to be close to hers. Had her inclusion in his company been mere chance?
    Melinda hugged her. “In the same company! And with a lawman for a leader. I’ve got to go find Mr. Austelle and see what he knows about those other families. By the way, that gentleman over there’s been smiling at you.”
    Abigail turned in the direction of Melinda’s nod as the gentleman stepped forward. “Mr. Isaacs!”
    “Mrs. Baldwyn, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” He grinned. “Most people call me Doc.”
    “You’re the physician the colonel just mentioned?” Abigail set Lina down and stepped back from the ring of travelers to speak to him.
    He nodded.
    “And part of Dotson’s wagon train?”
    “I am. And it sounds like we’re in the same company.”
    Abigail was thrilled. Melinda Austelle was

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