Lethal Deception

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Book: Lethal Deception by Lynette Eason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynette Eason
the sheen of tears in the man’s eyes. Then he pulled Gabe into an unexpected embrace.
    “I don’t know how I can ever repay you, son.” His rough voice was low, but Gabe caught the words…and the thanks. Gabe still resented the way the man had taken control and forced his hand on the issue of rescuing Cassidy, but he decided against holding a grudge.
    “Consider us even,” he said. He couldn’t help asking, “Did you know about the child?”
    Jonathan McKnight pulled back and met Gabe’s eyes. Guilt flashed and he nodded. “I managed to track Cassidy to Brazil, so I figured that’s what she was doing. When I questioned Amy about it, she concurred. I planned to let Cassidy have it when she got home about doing something so dangerous. Then the note came…” He shrugged. “I knew if I told you about Alexis, you’d never go for it after…I don’t know all the details of the mission you were on with my son, but I knew there was a child involved that didn’t make it. I guess I owe you another apology.”
    Gabe took a deep breath. “Forget it. It’s over.” He shifted Alexis on his hip and looked over at Cassidy. “You want to introduce the munchkin?”
    Pleasure and sadness mingled as she introduced Alexis to her parents and explained to her mother how she came to be named guardian. Cassidy’s mother responded as expected…with worry and doubt about Cassidy’s sanity, but her father supported her wholeheartedly—now that he was over his anger about her taking off by herself.
    Christina finally smiled then hardened her gaze toward her husband. “Now that the niceties are taken care of, why don’t we discuss this more while Marguerite fixes us something to snack on?”
    Gabe almost laughed. The words may have been phrased as a question, but they were not a request.
    Jonathan cleared his throat again. “Yes, let’s all go inside and get reacquainted.”
    Gabe followed behind, his hand on Cassidy’s back for support. He had a feeling she might need it.
    Cassidy clutched Alexis close and followed her mother through the French doors that led to the sunporch and then on into the informal den. She frowned at the undercurrents she sensed arcing between her parents. What was going on?
    Knowing she’d have time to ask about that later, she plopped down onto the blue-and-green patterned love seat and placed Alexis beside her. The little girl promptly slid to the floor and began exploring her surroundings.
    Christina sat on the matching couch opposite Cassidy, and Gabe stood in front of the fireplace, hands in the front pockets of his jeans. Marguerite Sayers, the family cook for over twenty years, bustled into the room carrying a tray laden with snacks and hot tea. Jonathan took the tray from her and passed out the treat. She rushed to Cassidy and hugged her tight. “I’m so glad you’re home.”
    Cassidy returned the hug, smiled and said, “Me, too, Marguerite. Could I get a cup of milk for Alexis, if you don’t mind?”
    “Sure, Miss Cass. I’ll get it right away. I’ll also see if I can round up a few toys. Will she come with me?”
    “I’m sure she would, especially with the promise of milk and toys.” Marguerite may have been the hired help, but she was also family. Alexis looked up and grinned at Cassidy, “Toys, my Cass-ty. Play.”
    “Yes, you go play with Miss Marguerite, okay?”
    Everyone laughed at the child’s mispronunciation, but Marguerite just said, “Marty it is, sweet one. Come on.”
    To Cassidy’s surprise, the little girl went.
    Her mother asked, “Why didn’t Kara’s sister and brother-in-law get custody?”
    Cassidy shrugged. “Kara’s never really liked Brian. She said he was sneaky and that he only married Susan for her money. And Jacob’s parents were killed in a car wreck when he was fourteen. Kara’s grandmother was initially listed in the will as guardian but has since been admitted to a nursing home. So—” she held up her hands

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