Lies That Bind
knew Rex could feel it. He said nothing.
    “It’s been a long time,” she managed to say. “I’d rather get reacquainted first.” There were some barriers she had to keep in place. This was one of them. Perhaps the only one left.
    Rex gave her a small smile. “By all means.” Arms anchoring her to him, he rolled, reversing their positions. It put him deeper inside her, triggering waves of sensation that demanded more. Her vaginal muscles clamped around his cock, rippling over it in invitation. All of it subconscious reaction while she lay there, basking in the feel of his body pressed to hers. Safe. Protected.
    “You feel good inside me. On me.” Tessa slid her arms over his broad shoulders.
    He brushed the backs of his fingers over her cheek. His gaze caressed her face, then met hers.
    “Soft, yet strong. I swear, I feel like my dick is locked in a furnace. It’s all I can do not to come.”
    “You could always retreat.” They nudged noses, nipped at each other’s lips.
    “One move, sweetheart. That’s all it’s going to take.”
    “Then kiss me,” she whispered and pressed her mouth to his.
    His deep-throated groan crawled into her soul when his tongue curled around hers. Rex kissed like Tessa knew he’d be fucking her, slow and sweet, teasing her nerves to the breaking point, then bringing her down only to build her up again, locked together, and hot. So. Damn. Hot.
    Tessa broke the kiss on a gasp. Her pelvis rocked into his of its own volition, tearing moans from both of them. She felt a shudder run down Rex’s back, more heat pouring into his cock. The battle to hang on twisted his features. He never looked more handsome than at that moment. That she’d done this to him… That he still wanted her…
    She shoved her hand between them, wrapped her fist around the base of Rex’s cock, and squeezed hard.
    He cried out, grimaced from the pain of a choked-off orgasm, then butted his forehead to hers once the moment had passed. Their breaths mixed. Slowly she extricated her hand. Rex’s replaced it. He flicked his thumb over her slickened clitoris. Tessa closed her eyes and lost herself in the rising climax, the feel of him plunging in and out, harder, deeper, faster.
    “Oh God.” She clutched his shoulders and rocked her hips in time with his. When that wasn’t enough, she locked her ankles around his waist and thrust harder.
    Orgasm hit them simultaneously. A million stars slammed into her.
    The bedroom door slammed open, shattering the sweetness. Tessa and Rex jerked apart in the tangle of sheets to face a bloodied Tyler.
    “What the fuck happened?” Rex vaulted from the bed.
    Tyler snapped his arm toward them. “While you two were in here fucking your brains out, someone shot an arrow through Nate! Why the hell didn’t you answer your goddamn phones?”
    “Where is he?” Rex stabbed his legs into his jeans.
    Tessa rolled from bed, taking the sheet with her in her stumble toward the dresser where Rex had neatly folded her clothes. She dressed in less time than it took to think about it.
    “Sitting on Annabelle, though God knows how he can manage to stay in the saddle. Get your ass in gear and help me get him into the Suburban. He needed a doctor an hour ago.” Tyler stomped away.
    Tessa had never moved so fast in her life. After stuffing her cell phone into her jeans pocket, she wadded the bedsheet in her arms and hauled ass to the kitchen for the first-aid kit. She reached the vehicle just as Rex and Tyler were easing Nate into the back, waited until he was settled, then crawled in with him.
    Nate was a bloody mess, barely conscious. Tessa wrapped the sheet under and around his shoulders, then bound the ends around his chest.
    “Ow, Tess. Too tight.” Nate plucked at the knot.
    “Sorry.” She worked it loose and retied. “Better?”
    “Not until I find the son of a bitch who did this,” he mumbled.
    Tessa cradled his shoulders on her lap, hoping being higher would ease the blood

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